1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

run-any v1.0.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Execute any command-line as a child process and return an object containing the command, exitcode, stdout and stderr

Works even for invalid commands and arguments


Node JS

`var r = require('./run.js')

r.run('dir', '/b').then(function(result){console.log(result)}) `

Output: { command: [ 'dir', '/b' ], exitcode: 0, stdout: 'example.txt\r\nREADME.md\r\nrun.js\r\n', stderr: '' }

Command Line

Shell Command

Command: node run.js dir

Output: { command: [ 'dir' ], exitcode: 0, stdout: ' Volume in drive C is Windows\r\n Volume Serial Number is 1426-58F1\r\n\r\n Directory of C:\\wamp\\www\\nodejs\\run\r\n\r\n02/24/2018 08:20 AM <DIR> .\r\n02/24/2018 08:20 AM <DIR> ..\r\n02/24/2018 08:23 AM 178 README.md\r\n02/24/2018 08:02 AM 738 run.js\r\n 2 File(s) 916 bytes\r\n 2 Dir(s) 37,344,219,136 bytes free\r\n', stderr: '' }

Invalid Command

Command: node run.js invalidcommand

Output: { command: [ 'invalidcommand' ], exitcode: 1, stdout: '', stderr: '\'invalidcommand\' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\r\noperable program or batch file.\r\n' }

Call an external program with parameters

Command: node run.js sqlite3 --help

Output: { command: [ 'sqlite3', '--help' ], exitcode: 1, stdout: '', stderr: 'Usage: sqlite3 [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL]\r\nFILENAME is the name of an SQLite database. A new database is created\r\nif the file does not previously exist.\r\nOPTIONS include:\r\n -bail stop after hitting an error\r\n -batch force batch I/O\r\n -column set output mode to \'column\'\r\n -cmd COMMAND run "COMMAND" before reading stdin\r\n -csv set output mode to \'csv\'\r\n -echo print commands before execution\r\n -init FILENAME read/process named file\r\n -[no]header turn headers on or off\r\n -help show this message\r\n -html set output mode to HTML\r\n -interactive force interactive I/O\r\n -line set output mode to \'line\'\r\n -list set output mode to \'list\'\r\n -mmap N default mmap size set to N\r\n -newline SEP set newline character(s) for CSV\r\n -nullvalue TEXT set text string for NULL values. Default \'\'\r\n -separator SEP set output field separator. Default: \'|\'\r\n -stats print memory stats before each finalize\r\n -version show SQLite version\r\n -vfs NAME use NAME as the default VFS\r\n' }

Pass in a file as input

Command: node run.js "cat <example.txt"

Output: { command: [ 'cat <example.txt' ], exitcode: 0, stdout: 'Hello\r\n', stderr: '' }