1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

run-for-every-file v1.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Node.js >= 6.x is required

This is small Node.js utility that enumerates files by pattern and runs any shell or JS command for every file. It is cross-platform and should work under Linux, OS X and Windows.

It is primarily intended for NPM used as a task runner (look for "npm run ..." command and "scripts" section of package.json).



npm install --save-dev run-for-every-file

Run as shell command

run-for-every-file --src '...' --dest '...' --file '...' --not-file '...' --run '...'


--src - source directory. Example: --src ./src/

--dest - destination directory. Example: --dest ./dist/prod/

--file - file pattern. Example: --file '**/*.js' - gets all *.js files recursively.

Patterns use "glob" syntax: https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob

--run - shell command. Example: echo {{src-file}} - outputs name of every source file to the screen

--run-js - JavaScript command. Example: console.log('{{src-file}}') - the same as above

--not-file - file anti-pattern. Example: --not-file '**/*.min.js'

Both --file and --not-file can be used multiple times in one command. Think about them as joined by logical AND.

--dot - enable glob's dot setting to include names starting with dots, such as .gitignore. Example: --file * --dot

--only-files - use with --dot to filter out non-file names, such as .vscode/ directories. Example: --file */* --dot --only-files

The following variables are available inside "run" and "run-js" strings:

{{src-file}} - path to exact source file. Example: "./src/app/js/main.js"

{{dest-file}} - path to exact destination file. Example: "./dist/prod/app/js/main.js"

{{file}} - relative file path. Example: "app/js/main.js"

{{file-path}} - only path part of {{file}}. Example: "app/js" (without trailing "/")

{{file-name}} - base file name. Example: "main"

{{file-ext}} - file extension. Example: "js"

{{file-name-ext}} - file name with extension. Example: "main.js"

Also, you can pass custom param with any other name and it will be available as variable {{your-param-name-here}}.


  • Use trailing slash "/" in directory paths: --src ./src/ (not just --src ./src).
  • Enclose params into quotes to prevent substitution of globs by OS: --file '**/*.js' (not just --file **/*.js). For Linux both single ('...') and double ("...") quotes are Ok, but Windows allows only double quotes in command line.


This example command will copy all .js files (excluding .min.js files) from "./src/" recursively to "./dist/prod/" (without dir structure):

run-for-every-file --src ./src/ --dest ./dist/prod/ --file '**/*.js' --not-file '**/*.min.js' --run 'shx cp -f  {{src-file}} {{dest}}{{file-name-ext}}'

shx is Node.js utility that makes some *nix commands available cross-platform: https://github.com/shelljs/shx

Complex example

The following package.json includes almost all possible usages of params and variables. Also it is a quite useful example of NPM-based build tool.

Actions performed here are

  • Clean destination dir;
  • Clone dir structure inside destination dir;
  • Clean up and minify js (except already minified *.min.js files);
  • Clean up and minify html;
  • Clean up and minify css;
  • Clean up and minify json;
  • Build JS source maps (only for "qa" build);
  • Copy other files (images and so on) to destination dir.

It can be run from command prompt by "npm run build:qa" or "npm run build:prod".

It is adopted to be used on Windows (so there are many escaped double quotes inside (\").

  "name": "my-application",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "My Application",
  "scripts": {
      "start": "webpack-dev-server --config ./webpack.config.js",
      "start:dev": "npm run start -- --content-base \"./src/\"",
      "start:qa": "npm run start -- --content-base \"./dist/qa/\"",
      "start:prod": "npm run start -- --content-base \"./dist/prod/\"",
      "clean": "shx rm -rf",
      "clean:dev": "npm run clean -- \"./dist/dev/*\"",
      "clean:qa": "npm run clean -- \"./dist/qa/*\"",
      "clean:prod": "npm run clean -- \"./dist/prod/*\"",
      "make-dir": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/*/\" --run \"shx mkdir -p {{dest-file}}\"",
      "make-dir:dev": "npm run make-dir --  --dest \"./dist/dev/\"",
      "make-dir:qa": "npm run make-dir --  --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
      "make-dir:prod": "npm run make-dir --  --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
      "minify-js:qa": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --dest \"./dist/qa/\" --file \"**/*.js\" --not-file \"**/*.min.js\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"uglifyjs {{src-file}} -o {{dest-file}} --compress drop_console --mangle --screw-ie8 --source-map {{dest-file}}.map --source-map-url /{{file}}.map --prefix 2 --source-map-include-sources\"",
      "minify-js:prod": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --dest \"./dist/prod/\" --file \"**/*.js\" --not-file \"**/*.min.js\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"uglifyjs {{src-file}} -o {{dest-file}} --compress drop_console --mangle --screw-ie8\"",
      "minify-css": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/*.css\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"cleancss {{src-file}} -o {{dest-file}} --skip-import\"",
      "minify-css:qa": "npm run minify-css --  --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
      "minify-css:prod": "npm run minify-css --  --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
      "minify-html": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/*.html\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"html-minifier -c ./html-minifier.config.json {{src-file}} -o {{dest-file}}\"",
      "minify-html:qa": "npm run minify-html --  --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
      "minify-html:prod": "npm run minify-html --  --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
      "minify-json": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/*.json\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run-js \"var fs = require(\\\"fs\\\"); fs.writeFileSync(\\\"{{dest-file}}\\\", JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(\\\"{{src-file}}\\\", {encoding: \\\"utf8\\\"}))));\"",
      "minify-json:qa": "npm run minify-json --  --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
      "minify-json:prod": "npm run minify-json --  --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
      "copy-others": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --file \"**/!(*.js|*.css|*.html|*.json)\" --file \"**/*.min.js\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"shx cp -f {{src-file}} {{dest-file}}\"",
      "copy-others:dev": "run-for-every-file --src \"./src/\" --dest \"./dist/dev/\" --file \"**/*\" --not-file \"**/*/\" --run \"shx cp -f {{src-file}} {{dest-file}}\"",
      "copy-others:qa": "npm run copy-others --  --dest \"./dist/qa/\"",
      "copy-others:prod": "npm run copy-others --  --dest \"./dist/prod/\"",
      "build:dev": "npm run clean:dev && npm run make-dir:dev && npm run  copy-others:dev",
      "build:qa": "npm run clean:qa && npm run make-dir:qa && npm run minify-js:qa && npm run minify-css:qa && npm run minify-html:qa && npm run minify-json:qa && npm run copy-others:qa",
      "build:prod": "npm run clean:prod && npm run make-dir:prod && npm run minify-js:prod && npm run minify-css:prod && npm run minify-html:prod && npm run minify-json:prod && npm run copy-others:prod"
    "devDependencies": {
      "clean-css": "^3.4.18",
      "html-minifier": "^2.1.6",
      "run-for-every-file": "^1.0.0",
      "shx": "^0.1.2",
      "uglify-js": "^2.6.4"

Other tools used in this example are




6 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago