1.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

runtime-server v1.1.1

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Last release
3 years ago



This is a back-end server for running virtual stacks in NoStack. It enables three things primarily:

  1. Actions: actions enabled specifically for a given set of users on a given stack. They are dynamically defined based on data in the neo4j graph database. The execute mutation runs an action.
  2. Auth: the auth is handled using a specific Cognito User Pool that is dedicated to a given stack. Most of the mutations are for auth.
  3. Queries: retrieving the data for a "unit". The uniData and source queries provide that information.

Every stack has an id, which for convenience is the user pool id. Any information about users and other data is stored in the database. Until a virtual stack is exported, all information about a stack, including it's actions, is retrieved dynamically as needed. The clientId can be retrieved with the platformInfo query.


This is a serverless app. See the serverless.yml file. See the intro of the nostack backend wiki for how to deploy using serverless.


The server is developed on top of apollo-server-lambda and neo4j. It provides 3 queries and 2 mutations as the resolvers.

Queries: - platformInfo - unitData - source Mutations: - createUserOnPlatform - execute - resendConfirmation - forgotPassword - resetForgottenPassword - confirmSignUp - login - refreshToken - verifyToken

This authentication is based on the AWS Cognito authentication. The auth helper functions are contained in the auth directory.

- login: /src/auth/login/index.js
- registerUser: /src/auth/registerUser/index.js
- confirmSignUp: /src/auth/confirmSignUp/index.js
- resendConfirmCode: /src/auth/resendConfirmCode/index.js
- forgotPassword: /src/auth/forgotPass/index.js
- confirmForgotPassword: /src/auth/confirmForgotPass/index.js
- refreshToken: /src/auth/refreshToken/index.js
- verifyToken: /src/auth/verifyToken/index.js


This actions should be called by the excute mutation with actionType. The actions helper functions are contained in the actions directory.

- createInstance: /src/actions/createInstance/index.js
- createInstanceAssn: /src/actions/createInstanceAssn/index.js
- createInstanceUnknownParent: /src/actions/createInstanceUnknownParent/index.js
- deleteInstance: /src/actions/deleteInstance/index.js
- removeInstanceAssn: /src/actions/removeInstanceAssn/index.js
- updataInstance: /src/actions/updateInstance/index.js
- updateInstanceAssn: /src/actions/updateInstanceAssn/index.js
- source: /src/actions/source/index.js
- submitForm: /src/actions/submitForm/index.js
- unitData: /src/actions/unitData/index.js


This includes some functions to call the action with actionTypes. The excute mutation refers to this functions. The main function is /src/utils/callModuleToExecuteAction.js.


This part is a definition part for the queries and mutations, and types for them. The main function is /src/typeDefs/index.js.


This includes three functions for the awsInfo, databaseInfo and dbSession.

  • awsInfo: /src/config/awsInfo.js
  • databaseInfo: /src/config/databaseInfo.js
  • dbSession: /src/config/getSession.js


Git Repository



- POST - [nostackapp.github.io/multitask](https://osc6oeg32a.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/graphql)
- GET - [nostackapp.github.io/multitask](https://osc6oeg32a.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/graphql)

- cerificated endpoint: <https://api.nostack.net/graphql>


hosted directly from an S3 Bucket: https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/runtime-server-dev-serverlessdeploymentbucket-km6ift2kg5ju?region=us-east-1&tab=objects


The routing is done in Route53.


Certificates are handled via the Certificate Manager. The most important ones are for *.nostack.net and *.pivotate.com.


  'a0d89c1f-c423-45e0-9339-c719dcbb7afe': actionTypes.LOGIN,
  '1279e113-d70f-4a95-9890-a5cebd344f3d': actionTypes.VERIFY_USER_TOKEN,
  '96d3be63-53c5-418e-9167-71e3d43271e3': actionTypes.REFRESH_USER_TOKEN,
  'afd0c972-8f72-47ea-8313-94f895c4f87a': actionTypes.CONFIRM_SIGNUP,
  '25bfdd78-6a2c-11eb-9439-0242ac130002': actionTypes.RESEND_CONFIRM

But currently it is unnecessary because we separate the authentication part from the action.


This project is based on the serverless framework so it is maintained using the serverless framework. In this server, you can find the serverless specification in the file ~/serverless.yml.

To deploy the latest version, you must:

  1. install serverless globally: npm install -g serverless
  2. configure AWS credentials: serverless config credentials --profider aws --key <your aws access key> --secret <your aws secret key> --profile custom-profile
  3. run sls deploy locally.

    We are running everything from within us-east-1 on AWS.


You can run npm test and npm run coverage. Or, there's an integration test: npm run int-test with live data.

There's an original test set, integration tests written in jest, apparently by Bruth. Don't touch those with a ten foot pole. To run those, you supposedly have to copy .env.example to .env, add the info requested, and then you can run them.