0.1.2 • Published 8 years ago
rweng.util v0.1.2
Shared utilities for my JavaScript projects. Although this package could be split up even more, for simplicity everything I use regularly is contained in here.
Ramda is not a peerDependency
so you don't have to manage it and it's typings.
- mostly functions exported from Ramda and some additional helper functions. Some functions are renamed, some not exported. Basically, this is my vocabulary./decorarators
- TypeScript Decorarators/rx
- Reactive Extension selectors/validation
- Types and Class for Validation Results and Errors
The content is not re-exported in an index.ts
file to
- avoid name conflicts
- reduce the library size even if you don't use tree shaking
- be more explicit
- not having to list rx as real dependencies
How to use
- Install via
npm install --save rweng.js.util
- Import the parts you need, e.g.
import { isSet } from 'rweng.js.util/lang
Only publish the dist folder:
npm publish dist