1.0.33 • Published 1 year ago

rwt-dockable-panels v1.0.33

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Last release
1 year ago


Premium DOM Component

Dockable Panels

Expand, collapse, dock and float


Some apps have lots of interactive manipulations for working with a canvas or object. Putting the tools and options for these manipulation commands within menus is a weak design pattern. The use of floatable, dockable, and collapsable panels is a better alternative because it lets the user initiate commands with shorter mouse transit times and fewer clicks. It also provides the user with a personalized mental map of where the commands can be initiated, something that a hierarchical menu doesn't do well.

The component has these features:

  • The component comprises a collection of panels that contain logically related information.
  • Each panel has a titlebar for self-identification and a panel area comprising DOM elements.
  • The titlebar has an expand/collapse button which allows the panel's elements to be shown or hidden.
  • The titlebar has a float/dock button which allows the panel to be detached/attached from the main panel.
  • Floating panels can be moved with the mouse by dragging the titlebar.
  • The initial position of the menu is relative to any one of the four viewport corners.

In the wild

To see an example of this component in use, visit the simply.earth website. It uses this component for its Tangent, Scale, Rotate, Locate, and Identify panels. To understand what's going on under the hood, use the browser's inspector to view the HTML source code and network activity, and follow along as you read this documentation.



The rwt-dockable-panels DOM component works in any browser that supports modern W3C standards. Templates are written using BLUEPHRASE notation, which can be compiled into HTML using the free Read Write View desktop app. It has no other prerequisites. Distribution and installation are done with either NPM or via Github.


Using the DOM component

After installation, you need to add two things to your HTML page to make use of it:

  1. Add a script tag to load the component's rwt-dockable-panels.js file:
<script src='/node_modules/rwt-dockable-panels/rwt-dockable-panels.js' type=module></script>             
  1. Add the component tag somewhere on the page.

    • For scripting purposes, apply an id attribute.
    • For WAI-ARIA accessibility apply a role=contentinfo attribute.
    • Apply a corner attribute with one of these values to set the location of the toolbar relative to its parent.

      • top-right
      • top-left
      • bottom-right
      • bottom-left default
    • Apply a sourceref attribute with a reference to a JSON file containing the panel configuration. (Or optionally use the programmatic interface for panel configuration.)

    • Optionally, apply a state attribute to set the initial state of the toolbar.

      • closed The toolbar menu should initially be collapsed.
      • open default The toolbar menu should initially be expanded.
    • Optionally, apply a shortcut attribute with a value like 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', to allow the toolbar to be opened and closed using the keyboard.

    • Optionally, apply an embedded attribute with a value of "embedded" when the component is used inside another DOM component.


<rwt-dockable-panels id=toolbarId sourceref='/panels.json' corner=top-right state=open shortcut='F1' role=contentinfo></rwt-dockable-panels>

Panel configuration

The panels can be configured programmatically or through a JSON file. Both accept similar objects, described here:

JSON file configuration

A JSON file containing a collection of panel configurations can be specified as an attribute of the component. Do this with HTML like <rwt-dockable-panels sourceref='panels.json'></rwt-dockable-panels> The JSON object should contain an object with two properties:

  1. toolbar an object for configuring the entire component, having:

    • titlebar the plain text or HTML to use for the main menu.
  2. panels an array of panel objects for configuring the panels, having:

    • options an object to configure each panel's basic properties:

      • id the HTML identifier for the panel
      • titlebar the text title for the panel
      • tabIndex the HTML tabIndex, optional
      • tooltip the fly-over popup title for the panel, optional
    • panelLines an array of line objects to configure the elements of the panel, line by line.

      • lineType specifies what to put on the line, see below
      • id the HTML identifier for the line's principal element, see below

These are the possible lineTypes and their configuration properties:

  1. "input"

    • labelText the text to place before the INPUT element
    • id the identifier for the INPUT element
    • textAfter any text to place after the INPUT element, optional
    • tooltip the fly-over popup title for the INPUT element, optional
  2. "button"

    • buttonText the text to place on the BUTTON element
    • id the identifier for the BUTTON element
    • tooltip the fly-over popup title for the BUTTON element, optional
  3. "multi-button"

    • buttons an array of objects to define each button, having:

      • buttonText the text to place on the BUTTON element
      • id the identifier for the BUTTON element
      • tooltip the fly-over popup title for the BUTTON element, optional
  4. "dropdown"

    • labelText the text to place before the SELECT element
    • id the identifier for the SELECT element
    • tooltip the fly-over popup title for the SELECT element, optional
    • selections an array of OPTIONS, specified as objects, each having:

      • v the OPTION value
      • t the OPTION text
  5. "slider+input"

    • id is the identifier to be assigned to the text INPUT being created (the range slider will append "-slider" to this id)
    • curve is the distribution of slider values: "callback", "linear" or "log"; defaults to linear if not defined
    • fromSlider is a callback function that synchronizes INPUT value when the current slider position changes
    • toSlider is a callback function that synchronizes the current slider position when the INPUT value changes
    • fromUser is a callback function to convert user text to internal value
    • toUser is a callback function to convert internal value to user text
    • numDecimals is the number of decimal points kept in the internal value (defaults to 2).
    • minValue is the minimum acceptable "value" in user units; defaults to "" if not specified
    • maxValue is the maximum acceptable "value" in user units; defaults to "" if not specified
    • minPosition is the minimum slider position; defaults to 0 if not specified
    • maxPosition is the maximum slider position; defaults to 100 if not specified
    • stepPosition is the accuracy of the slider; defaults to 1 if not specified
    • labelText is the text to be displayed in the LABEL before the two INPUT elements
    • tooltip is the text to display on hover, optional
    • widthInPx is a string value specifying the width of the input field, with a trailing 'px', optional
    • textAfter is the optional short text to display after the INPUT, optional
  6. "generic"

    • id the identifier for the "chef-generic" panel's outer DIV element
    • innerHTML is the generic HTML to be displayed
    • heightInPx the CSS value for the panel's height, defaults to 'fit-content'
    • overflowX Whether to show a horizontal scrollbar: "scroll", "hidden", "clip", "auto"
    • overflowY Whether to show a vertical scrollbar: "scroll", "hidden", "clip", "auto"
  7. "custom"

    • id the identifier for the "chef-custom" panel's outer DIV element
    • innerHTML is the custom HTML to be displayed
    • heightInPx the CSS value for the panel's height, defaults to 'fit-content'
    • overflowX Whether to show a horizontal scrollbar: "scroll", "hidden", "clip", "auto"
    • overflowY Whether to show a vertical scrollbar: "scroll", "hidden", "clip", "auto"
  8. "table"

    • id is the identifier to be assigned to the TABLE being created
    • innerHTML is the TABLE's inner HTML
    • minHeightInPx is a number of pixels, expressed as a string ending in 'px', like '156px'
    • maxHeightInPx is a number of pixels, expressed as a string ending in 'px', like '156px'
    • heightInPx the CSS value for the panel's height, defaults to '100%'
    • overflowX Whether to show a horizontal scrollbar: "scroll", "hidden", "clip", "auto"
    • overflowY Whether to show a vertical scrollbar: "scroll", "hidden", "clip", "auto"

Programmatic configuration

The component has methods to programmatically configure panels. They use objects with the same properties as just described. The methods are:

Programmatic manipulation

The component also has methods to programmatically manipulate the toolbar and its panels.

Programmatic access

The component has methods to access the inner buttons and titlebars.


Initial position

Initially the toolbar is positioned a certain distance from one of the viewport's corners, specified using the corner attribute and two of these offset variables.

rwt-dockable-panels {
    --top: 30px;
    --bottom: 30px;
    --left: 30px;
    --right: 30px;
    --z-index: 1;

Visuals and color scheme

The font for the component can be changed with the --font-family variable.

The width of the component can be set with the --width variable.

The default color palette for the menu uses a dark mode theme. You can use CSS to override the variables' defaults:

rwt-dockable-panels {
    --color: var(--pure-white);
    --border-color: var(--pure-white);
    --background-color1: var(--surfie-green);
    --background-color2: var(--coral-atoll);
    --background-color3: var(--tiber);
    --background-color4: var(--eden);

Life-cycle events

The component issues life-cycle events.



The rwt-dockable-panels DOM component is not freeware. After evaluating it and before using it in a public-facing website, eBook, mobile app, or desktop application, you must obtain a license from Read Write Tools .


To activate your license, copy the rwt-registration-keys.js file to the root directory of your website, providing the customer-number and access-key sent to your email address, and replacing example.com with your website's hostname. Follow this example:


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