1.0.22 • Published 4 years ago

rwt-file-tabs v1.0.22

Weekly downloads
see license.html
Last release
4 years ago
Premium DOM Component

File Tabs

For multitasking UI/UX


The rwt-file-tabs DOM component can be used in scenarios with multiple views or multiple work tasks.

This component can be configured with a fixed set of tabs which are slotted into the component when designing the document. Alternatively, its programming API allows tabs to be created and removed as needed, when working with a dynamic set of tabs.

Tabs can be configured using CSS to adjust their size and typography.

The tab bar occupies a fixed width. When the size of all tabs exceeds that width, scroll buttons are automatically enabled.

Dynamic tabs can be closable or not, based on an attribute set on the DOM component by the developer.

In the wild

To see an example of this component in use, visit the BLUEFIDDLE website. It uses two components: one vertical and one horizontal. To understand what's going on under the hood, use the browser's inspector to view the HTML source code and network activity, and follow along as you read this documentation.



The rwt-file-tabs DOM component works in any browser that supports modern W3C standards. Templates are written using BLUE PHRASE notation, which can be compiled into HTML using the free Read Write View desktop app. It has no other prerequisites. Distribution and installation are done with either NPM or via Github.


Using the DOM component

After installation, you need to add a few things to your HTML page to make use of it.

  • Add a script tag to load the component's rwt-file-tabs.js file:
<script src='/node_modules/rwt-file-tabs/rwt-file-tabs.js' type=module></script>
  • Add the component tag somewhere on the page, configuring it with these optional attributes:

    • closable This optional attribute instructs the component to add an 'x' button to each dynamically added tab, allowing the user to remove the tab.
    • scroll-side={left|right} When the space occupied by the tabs is too large, scroll buttons are enabled. They can be positioned to the left or the right of the tabs.
    • anchor-side={left|right} When the space occupied by the tabs is less than the width of the component, the unoccupied space can be anchored to the left or to the right of the tabs.
    • role=navigation This web accessible ARIA attribute tells readers that the component is used for navigation.

Slotted usage

If the component is to be used with a predetermined set of tabs, they can be slotted in. Here's an example:

<rwt-file-tabs role=contentinfo>
    <button slot=tabitem id=tab1 title='Read only view'>READ</button>
    <button slot=tabitem id=tab2 title='Text editing view'>WRITE</button>
    <button slot=tabitem id=tab3 title='Web browser preview'>PREVIEW</button>

Programmatic API

If the component is to be used with a dynamic set of tabs, they can be added and removed using these methods.

Life-cycle events

The component issues life-cycle events.


Tab styling

The component can be styled with these CSS variables:

rwt-file-tabs {
    --width: 100%;
    --height: 2rem;
    --nav-button-size: 1.6rem;

The tabs can be styled with these CSS variables:

rwt-file-tabs {
    --font-weight: normal;
    --letter-spacing: 0px;
    --text-align: left;
    --min-width: 2rem;
    --max-width: 6rem;    

Dialog color scheme

The default color palette for the component uses a dark mode theme. You can use CSS to override the variables' defaults:

rwt-file-tabs {
    --color: var(--white);
    --accent-color1: var(--pure-white);
    --background: var(--black);
    --accent-background1: var(--pure-black);
    --accent-background2: var(--nav-black);
    --accent-background3: var(--medium-black);
    --accent-background4: var(--gray);

Vertically oriented tabs

The component can be oriented vertically by wrapping it in a positioned element and using a CSS transform. Here's an example of how to do it:


<div id=viewtabs-area>         
    <rwt-file-tabs id=viewtabs scroll-side=left anchor-side=right>
        <button id=id4 slot=tabitem title='Delta view'>Delta</button>
        <button id=id3 slot=tabitem title='Gamma view'>Gamma</button>
        <button id=id2 slot=tabitem title='Beta view'>Beta</button>
        <button id=id1 slot=tabitem title='Alpha view'>Alpha</button>


div#viewtabs-area {
    position: absolute;
    top: 2.3rem;
    left: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 2.0rem;
    border-top: 1px solid #000;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
#viewtabs {
    position: absolute;
    transform: rotate(-90deg);
    transform-origin: left top;
    width: 34rem; /* JavaScript will override */
    top: 34rem;   /* JavaScript will override */


function onResize() {
    var viewTabsArea = document.getElementById('viewtabs-area');
    var viewTabs = document.getElementById('viewtabs');
    var height = viewTabsArea.offsetHeight;
    viewTabs.style.width = `${height}px`;
    viewTabs.style.top = `${height}px`;

window.addEventListener('resize', onResize);



The rwt-file-tabs DOM component is not freeware. After evaluating it and before using it in a public-facing website, eBook, mobile app, or desktop application, you must obtain a license from Read Write Tools .


To activate your license, copy the rwt-registration-keys.js file to the root directory of your website, providing the customer-number and access-key sent to your email address, and replacing example.com with your website's hostname. Follow this example:


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