1.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

rx-countdown v1.1.0

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7 years ago

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countdown timer using RxJS Observables


using RxCountDown as a state container - if you need to query the internal state of the countdown object at a set interval

var RxCountDown = require("rx-countdown");
var intervalId;
var countDown = new RxCountDown(5000); // 5 second timer

countDown.onComplete(function() {

// query the current state/value of countdown every second
intervalId = setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);


sample angular implementation using the state container approach

    template: "<span>{{ getRemainingTime() }}</span>"
export class AppComponent {
    private countDown: RxCountDown;
    constructor() {
        this.countDown = new RxCountDown(5000);

    getRemainingTime(): string {
        return this.countDown.getRemainingTime();

Observable approach - whenever the internal state changes, you get notified of the new remaining time value

var RxCountDown = require("rx-countdown");
var countDown = new RxCountDown(5000); // 5 second timer

countDown.onComplete(function() {

// subscribe whenever the internal state of the countdown changes
countDown.subscribe(function(remainingTime) {


Configuration Options

var CountDown = new RxCountDown(durationMs[, endDate[, intervalMs[, format]]]);

durationMs: number - total duration in milliseconds of countdown timer. additive with the endDate parameter. defaults to 0

endDate: string - target end date when you want the countdown timer to end. can be combined with durationMs to extend the countdown.

intervalMs: number - duration in milliseconds on how frequently the countdown timer should update

format: string - momentjs format to change how the output remaining time value is displayed. defaults to "mm:ss"

Available Methods

onComplete(onCompleteFn: () => void): void; - onComplete allows the user to pass a function that will be executed when the countdown timer is done

getRemainingTime(): string; - returns the current remaining time formatted with the current format option

isExpired(): boolean; - returns false if the countdown is still active, returns true otherwise

subscribe(next?: (value: string) => void, error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription - allows subscription to internal changes of the countdown timer. whenever the internal state of the countdown timer changes, it would invoke the next() function with the updated remaining time. returns an RxJS Subscription


  • create plunk for sample usage
  • add unit tests