0.0.4 • Published 6 years ago

rxjs-changefeeds v0.0.4

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6 years ago


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RxJS helpers to build things on top of changefeeds.

Api docs: bellow Example: demo, code

What are changefeeds?

Changefeed is a log of set <key> <value> and del <key> <value> operations. This allows to represent a collection as observable in efficient way.

Many modern databases come with built in support for changefeeds: CouchDb, RethinkDB, MongoDB.

Change feed data model

type ChangeFeed<Key, Value> =
  | ["initializing"]
  | ["ready"]
  | ["set", Key, Value]
  | ["del", Key];


  ["initializing"], // initial data is loading (optional)
  ["set", "1", { id: "1", name: "Tom" }],
  ["set", "2", { id: "2", name: "Peter" }],
  ["ready"], // all initial data has loaded (optional)
  ["set", "1", { id: "1", name: "John" }], // Tom has changed name to John
  ["set", "3", { id: "3", name: "Merry" }], // new user Merry was created
  ["del", "2"] // Peter was deleted

Value operations:

  • set <key> <value>: value is added to collection or updated

  • del <key>: value is removed from collection

Optional state operations:

  • initializing and ready does not effect behavior - they are useful when loading indicator is wished. We don't do much about it in this library except for passing them through.


RxJS Operators

Methods bellow return OperatorFunction<Input, Output>

To learn more check rxjs operators guide.

feedFilter( FilterFunction )

Filters changefeed values using FilterFunction.

Will transforms set events to del when old value pass filter but new value does not.

Can take observable filter function. When used with observable filter and filter changes, new filter is applied to all values again and set/del events re-emitted.

Example, using static filter function:

import { Subject } from "rxjs";
import { feedFilter } from "rxjs-changefeeds";

const filter = value => value < 2;
const input = new Subject();
const output = input.pipe(feedFilter(filter)).subscribe(console.log);

input.next(["set", "x", 1]);
// output: ["set","x",1]

input.next(["set", "y", 2]);
// no output

input.next(["set", "x", 2]);
// output: ["del","x"]

Example with observable filter function. Notice how only necessary updates are broadcasted after filter value changes.

import { BehaviorSubject, Subject } from "rxjs";
import { feedFilter } from "rxjs-changefeeds";

const filter = new BehaviorSubject(value => value < 3);

const input = new Subject();
const result = input.pipe(feedFilter(filter));

input.next(["set", "one", 1]);
input.next(["set", "two", 2]);
input.next(["set", "three", 3]);
// output:
// ["set","one",1]
// ["set","two",2]

filter.next(value => value > 1);
// output:
// ["del","one"]
// ["set","three",3]

Note that when input observable completes, result also completes and filter is unsubscribed.

feedGroupBy( KeyFunction )

Group changefeed using keyFunction into separate change feeds.

  • KeyFunction: (Value, Key) => GroupKey
  • Input: ChangeFeed<Key, Value>
  • Output: ChangeFeed<GroupKey, Observable<Input>> utput result is change feed where each key is result of keyFunction and each value is initial changefeed filtered using keyFunction


When set event on existing item in Input results in different GroupKey than before, this will trigger two events:

  1. del event in old group
  2. set in new group

When there are no more items left in a group, group's observable completes.

If initializing and ready are used they will be passed through to all groups. If ready was received by input and new group is created, ready event is triggered to newly created group.


import { Subject } from "rxjs";
import { mergeMap, map, tap } from "rxjs/operators";
import { feedGroupBy } from "rxjs-changefeeds";

const input = new Subject();

const getKey = num => (num % 2 ? "odd" : "even");

const output = input.pipe(feedGroupBy(getKey));

  next(record) {
    const [op, groupKey, groupChanges$] = record;
    console.log("outer:", op, groupKey);
    if (op === "set") {
        next(record) {
          console.log(`inner[${groupKey}]:`, record);
        complete() {
          console.log(`inner[${groupKey}]: complete.`);
  complete() {
    console.log("outer: complete.");

input.next(["set", "x", 1]);
// output:
// outer: set odd
// inner[odd]: ["set","x",1]

input.next(["set", "y", 2]);
// output:
// outer: set even
// inner[even]: ["set","y",2]

input.next(["set", "x", 2]);
// output:
// inner[odd]: ["del","x"]
// inner[odd]: complete.
// outer: del odd
// inner[even]: ["set","x",2]

// output:
// outer: complete.
// inner[even]: complete.

feedSortedList( Comparator, Options? )

Transform changefeed into sorted array where each item in the array is an Observable (with additional key property) of the Value.

  • Comparator: used for sorting the array
    • (a: Value, b: Value) => number or
    • Observable<Comparator>
  • Input: ChangeFeed<Key¸ Value>
  • Output: Array<Observable<Value> & {key: Key}>
  • Options: optional object of parameters:
    • throttleTime: default 100. Throttles Output and re-sorting. Use null to disable throttling and trigger update synchronously.
    • scheduler: default asyncScheduler, not used when throttleTime: null


Output only fires events when sort is effected: when new value arrives in input, first it's compared against it's siblings, if equality left <= value <= right is maintained, then re-sorting does not happen.


import { Subject, queueScheduler, of, list } from "rxjs";
import { mergeMap, map, tap, distinct } from "rxjs/operators";
import { feedSortedList } from "rxjs-changefeeds";

const input = new Subject();

const list$ = input.pipe(
  feedSortedList((a, b) => a - b, {
    // for demo purpose we change
    throttleTime: null

// Log sorted list:
  next(list) {
    console.log("list:", list.map(value$ => value$.key));
  complete() {
    console.log("list: complete");

// Log inner values:
const flatValues$ = list$.pipe(
  mergeMap(list => of(...list)),

  next(value$) {
      next(value) {
        console.log(`inner[${value$.key}]:`, value);
      complete() {
        console.log(`inner[${value$.key}]: complete.`);

input.next(["set", "x", 1]);
// output:
// list: ["x"]
// inner[x]: 1

input.next(["set", "y", 2]);
// output:
// list: ["x","y"]
// inner[y]: 2

// If order does not change no list update is triggered:
input.next(["set", "y", 3]);
// output:
// inner[y]: 3

// deletion completes value observable and removes it from list:
input.next(["del", "x"]);
// output:
// list: ["y"]
// inner[x]: complete.


Flatten change feed to new Map()

  • Input: ChangeFeed<Key, Value>
  • Output: Map<Key, Value>
import { Subject, queueScheduler, of, list } from "rxjs";
import { mergeMap, map, tap, distinct } from "rxjs/operators";
import { feedToKeyValueMap } from "rxjs-changefeeds";

const input = new Subject();

    map(keyValues => Array.from(keyValues.entries()))

input.next(["set", "x", 1]);
// output: [["x",1]]

input.next(["set", "y", 2]);
// output: [["x",1],["y",2]]

input.next(["set", "x", 3]);
// output: [["x",3],["y",2]]

input.next(["del", "x"]);
// output: [["y",2]]


feedCombine(Inputs, ProjectFunction)

Merge multiple chagnefeeds into one based on key.

  • Inputs: array of input change feeds [Observable<ChangeFeed<Key, Value1>>, ... ,  Observable<ChangeFeed<Key, ValueN>>]
  • ProjectFunction: combiner producing values for output changefeed (v1: Value1, ... , vN: ValueN) => Project
  • Returns: ChangeFeed<Key, Project>


ProjectFunction is called with latest value of each change feed in Inputs array. When value is not available any of input change feed valueN parameter will be undefined.

If ProjectFunction returns undefined:

  • no event is emitted, if ProjectFunction was not called for this key before or if previous call resulted in null
  • del <key> is emitted, if ProjectFunction previously had returned value


import { Subject } from "rxjs";
import { feedCombine } from "rxjs-changefeeds";

const a$ = new Subject();
const b$ = new Subject();

const project = (a, b) => ({ a, b });

const result = feedCombine([a$, b$], project);


a$.next(["set", "x", "ax"]);
a$.next(["set", "y", "ay"]);
// output:
// ["set","x",{"a":"ax"}]
// ["set","y",{"a":"ay"}]

b$.next(["set", "x", "bx"]);
// ["set","x",{"a":"ax","b":"bx"}]

a$.next(["del", "x"]);
// ["set","x",{"b":"by"}]

b$.next(["del", "x"]);
// ["del","x"]


new ChangeFeedReplaySubject()

Useful when necessary to convert from hot changefeed to cold changefeed.

Similar to ReplaySubject, but replays only last record per key.

If input item is deleted with del, then it's removed from ChangeFeedReplaySubject internal state and won't trigger any events in subsequent subscribers.

import { ChangeFeedReplaySubject } from "rxjs-changefeeds";

const subject = new ChangeFeedReplaySubject();

  next(val) {
    console.log("A:", val);

subject.next(["set", 1, "one"]);
subject.next(["set", 2, "two"]);
subject.next(["set", 1, "onePlus"]);
// output:
// A: ["set",1,"one"]
// A: ["set",2,"two"]
// A: ["set",1,"onePlus"]

  next(val) {
    console.log("B:", val);
// output:
// B: ["set",1,"onePlus"]
// B: ["set",2,"two"]

subject.next(["del", 1]);
// output:
// A: ["del",1]
// B: ["del",1]

  next(val) {
    console.log("C:", val);
// output:
// C: ["set",2,"two"]

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago