0.32.0 • Published 5 years ago

rxmpreviewplayer v0.32.0

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Last release
5 years ago

RXM Preview Player

RXM Preview Player is a standalone component for web playlist preview. It features a media player, playlist view, ability to control volume, toggle playlist shuffle and repeat.

This component takes playlist props passed from the App utilizing the component, or if no playlist props are passed it looks for page ID and playlist ID params passed via query params and performs an HTTP GET request.


We are using React Player https://github.com/CookPete/react-player for audio playback.


  • playlist - takes playlist object. This object comes from backend api request initiated by the app. Example
  • pageid - valid page id passed via query params
  • plid - valid playlist id passed via query params

State Management

We are utilizing React Context API for component state management.

HTTP Client

We are using Axios as an http client - https://github.com/axios/axios


Cookie storage is used for app version / configuration control. We are using React Cookie - https://github.com/reactivestack/cookies/tree/master/packages/react-cookie


We are using Sass. There are 2 approved Fonts - AvenirNext-Regular and AvenirNextCondensed.


We are using RollupJS to bundle our application - http://rollupjs.org/guide/en/