0.1.1 • Published 11 years ago
s2serial v0.1.1
A Streams2 frontend for node-serialport.
The S2Serial constructor takes the same arguments as the node-serialport
SerialPort constructor (path, options). The returned object exposes most
of the underlying SerialPort API (e.g. the 'open' event and 'open()'
function). I/O is handled via 2 members of the S2Serial object: 'tx' and
'rx'. The 'rx' member is a Readable stream of bytes from the serial port.
The 'tx' member is a Writable stream for sending bytes to the serial port.
var S2Serial = require('s2serial').S2Serial;
var sp = new S2Serial('/dev/tty.usb411', {baudrate: 57600});
// hypothetical Streams that implement some protocol
var encoder = new MyEncoder(); // encodes command objs into bytes
var decoder = new MyDecoder(); // parses stream of bytes and emits objs
decoder.on('message', function (msg) {
console.log('message received from serialport: ' + msg);
sp.on('open', function () {
encoder.send({ cmd: 'getsomething' });
Class: S2Serial
Lightweight wrapper of SerialPort that provides a Streams2 I/O interface
Constructor: S2Serial(path, options)
{String} path to serial deviceoptions
{Object}- see node-serialport
- Returns: {Object} new S2Serial object
- passthrough to underlying SerialPort open(cb)
S2Serial Event: 'open'
- passthrough from underlying SerialPort 'open' event
- passthrough to underlying SerialPort close(cb)
S2Serial Event: 'close'
- passthrough from underlying SerialPort 'close' event
- passthrough to underlying SerialPort flush(cb)
{Object} Readable Stream of bytes coming from underlying serial port
{Object} Writable Stream of bytes to be sent to underlying serial port