0.0.4 • Published 4 years ago

saber-theme-beautiful-saber v0.0.4

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


A rather poor imitation of beautiful-jekyll theme for Saber.land.

What it is?

This is a starter project/theme for saber.land.

If you haven't checked out Saber yet, you should. It's a wonderful project that has the potential to solve world hunger (or something). To be more specific: Saber enables you to create static sites using VueJS.


See https://beautiful-saber.netlify.com.


Don't know Saber? Head over to its quick introduction and get back here.

Get started the easy way

Clone the starter project for this starter theme and you will get started in ~10 seconds.

git clone https://github.com/techformist/beautiful-saber-example-site.git
cd beautiful-saber-example-site
yarn install
yarn dev

Go to https://localhost:3000 to view your brand new site.

Arguably better way

Install saber.

mkdir my-awesome-site
cd my-awesome-site

yarn init -y
yarn add saber

Create directories for your content - pages, pages\_posts, theme directories - see project structure for more details.

Next, install saber-theme-beautiful-saber theme and required plugins.

yarn add saber-theme-beautiful-saber saber-plugin-query-posts saber-plugin-feed

In scripts section of your package.json, include two lines -

  "scripts": {
    // ...
    "dev": "saber",
    "build": "saber build"
    // ...

Create saber-config.yml file in the saber root folder as described here.

theme: beautiful-saber

You are now ready to run your site.

yarn dev

You will not see anything when you go to https://localhost:3000 because there isn't anything right now.

  • Create index.md under pages directory and add some content
  • Create a post under pages/_posts directory to see the post on home page

Have fun with your new site.


Configure your site using saber-config.yml. Below parameters are self explanatory.

theme: beautiful-saber

  title: An Awesome Blog
  url: https://beautiful-saber.saberjs.org
  author: Marcus Aurelius
  email: marcus@iam.stoic
  description: I would have loved a description here, but I am happy as it is.

    - text: Home
      link: /
    - text: About
      link: /about.html
    twitter: techformist
    github: techformist
    rss: true
  disqus: techformist

  - resolve: saber-plugin-query-posts
  - resolve: saber-plugin-feed
      atomFeed: true

As already evident, these lines indicate the theme and the plugins to build out the features.

You can add new plugins to enhance your site's features -


When you are ready, build your site with -

yarn saber build

You can deploy the public directory to GitHub, Netlify, S3, etc. to start hosting your website.

Back story

(stuff that no one asked for)

I loved beautiful-jekyll back in the day. I had blogs (plural) using that theme, and will remain ever thankful for the author's effort.

Now that I am in a position to spare effort to do something, what better way could there be to get that design to newer heights? So then, I created beautiful-saber, a poorer cousin to the original Jekyll theme but with all the advantages of a modern toolset in Saber and VueJS. Of course, I could not do this without Kevin Titor / egoist showing us how cool stuff can happen in Saber using Minima theme.


This template design is directly inspired by Beautiful Jekyll, a theme for Jekyll by Dean Attali.

Of course, this theme wouldn't exist without Saber.land.
