0.9.123 • Published 5 years ago

sack-gui v0.9.123

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5 years ago


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Node addon for a lightweight platform independant gui. Otherwise is includes all of sack.vfs

Vulkan API to be added eventually...


CMake-js is required to build the GUI; to pull the full external sources.


// don't use these anymore... but rather internal macros
// because I default all methods as readonly
// all objects exported by require are constants.
    // nan (Native Abstractions for Node.js)


  • yum install gcc-c++ libuuid-devel unixodbc-devel
    • (uuid/uuid.h sql.h)
  • apt-get install uuid-dev unixodbc-dev
    • (uuid/uuid.h sql.h)
  • pacman -S unixodbc util-linux
    • (sql.h uuid/uuid.h(probably already available, fs2util) )
  • (?)emerge unixodbc

ODBC can be optioned out leaving only SQLite interface; or both may be optioend out; uuid is only required because of ODBC or Sqlite support inclusion. Which can then be 0 dependancies.


  • (ODBC might be optioned out; just uses sqlite typically)
  • brew (brew install unixODBC), if ODBC is desired.

ODBC can be optioned out leaving only SQLite interface; or both may be optioend out; uuid is only required because of ODBC or Sqlite support inclusion.
A third party UUID library is used (? or were there BSD builtins that got used, probably this).




var sack = require( 'sack-gui' );
var frame = sack.PSI.Frame( "control", 512, 512 );


In GIT respository there's a tests folder. Tests/sack_* are all gui type tests, and examples of simple gui applications.


This is the object returned from require( 'sack.vfs' );

vfs = {
    /*... for core system interfaces see [sack.vfs](https://npmjs.org/packages/sack.vfs) */

   PSI : Panther's Slick Interface.  It's a simple gui.  It provides elementary dialog controls.
   Image : interface for handling images.
   Render : interface for showing images.
   InterShell : a higher level control managment engine for full screen applications.

GUI Interface objects

Building GUI extensions use 'npm run build-gui' or 'npm run build-gui-debug' Which will download SACK from Github and build against the full library instead of a partial amalgamation.

var sack = require( 'sack.vfs' );
ImageHandles loading, creating, and simple image manipulation methods.
Image.Colornamespace to create color objects to interact with display. Internally, depending on the driver, format changes from ARGB to ABRG potentially.
RenderA way to open a window which can display images
IntershellInteractive shell, higher level application thing that allows dynamic page layout configurations
FrameEntry point for GUI controls
RegistrationNamespace for defining new control types which can be created on Frames.

Image Methods

var imageFromFile = sack.Image( "image file.jpg" ); // handles bmp, gif, png, jpeg formats.
var imageFromBuffer = sack.Image( UInt8Array or TypedArray or ArrayBuffer ); // attempts to decompress image data contained in passed buffer.
var imageRaw = sack.Image( 100, 100 ); // creates a new image of specified width, height
var imageSubImage = sack.Image( 100, 100, otherImage, 10, 10 ); // creates new image of width, height starting at x, y in otherImage.

Image constructor can be passed either a string which is treated as a filename and the specified image is loaded. It can be passed a binary buffer which is treated as the contents of a file and is attempted to be decoded. Specifying a width and height alone will create a new blank image. A sub image can be created in another existing image by specifying the image and x, y position to start at. This last operation can be done by using the Image method on an existing image also.

Image Methodsargumentsdescription
Image(x, y, width, height )Creates a image within the current image. Operations on this image are clipped within the region specified
reset()Clear an image to transparent black (0,0,0,0)
fill( x, y, width, height, color )fill a region of an image with a simple color.
fillOver( x, y, width, height, color )fill a region of an image with a simple color; if color is semi-transparent applies color over existing image data.
line( x1, y1, x2, y2, color )Draw a straight line in specified color.
lineOver( x1, y1, x2, y2, color )Draw a straight line in specified color. If color is semi-transparent, applies color alpha over existing image data.
plot( x, y, color )set a pixel on the output image to specified color.
plotOver(x, y, color )set a pixel on the output image to specified color. If color is semi-transparent, applies color alpha over existing image data.
drawImage( image [, x, y [, xAt, yAt ,width, height]] ) or ( image [, x, y, width, height, xAt, yAt , source_width, source_height )Sets the specified image into the 'this' image. Draw at x, y (0,0 if not specified), starting at position (xAt, yAt) in the source IMage (0,0 if not specified), for a width and height specified (otherwise full image width, height. If all parameters are specified, scales the portion of the source image to the target image. )
drawImageOver(same as drawImage)Same as drawImage, except applies alpha in source image to overlay the new image over the existin content in image.
imageSurface()Gets a uint8arry which is the underlaying image buffer. PIxel format is typically r,g,b,a. If a lot of custom pixels are to be updated, this is far more efficient to update than using plot or plotOver methods.
pngread-only accessorGets the image data as an ArrayBuffer, converted using PNG compression. The quality of compression can be controlled using the jpgQuality accessor.
jpgread-only accessorGets the image data as an ArrayBuffer, converted using JPEG compression. The quality of compression can be controlled using the jpgQuality accessor.
jpegQualityinteger between 0-100, default is 78This controls the quality factor of jpeg compression
widthreadonly accessorGets image width
heightreadonly accessorGets image height

Color methods

var colorFromInteger = sack.Image.Color( 0xFF995522 ); //creates a color from specifed integer 0xAARRGGBB
var colorFromObject = sack.Image.Color( { a: 255, r:128, g: 64, b: 100 } ); // creates color from specified parts.  Clamped to 0-255.
var colorFromObjectFloat = sack.Image.Color( { a: 0.9, r:0.5, g: 0.25, b: 0.37 } ); // creates color from specified parts.  Clamped to 0-255.  The value 1, unfortunatly is treated as integer 1 for the above 0-255 value.
var colorFromString = sack.Image.Color( "Some string" ); // Unimplemented.
var colorFromDialog = sack.Image.Color.dialog( callback );  // callback is passed a color object representing the picked color

There are some constant colors already builtin in Image.colors.color name

Color accessorsdescription
rget/set red channel
gget/set green channel
bget/set blue channel
aget/set alpha channel
Color Methodsargumentsdescription
toString()gets color in a string format

Font methods

var font = sack.Image.Font.dialog( callback );  // callback is passed a font object represenging the font selected 
font.save( "Picked font" );
var font = sack.Image.Font( <font name>, width, height, render flags (0-3 for mono, 4bit, 8bit render) ); 

var font = sack.Image.Font.load( "Picked Font" );

When creating a font by name, it can either be the name of a font, or a filename that contains a font.

Font MethodParametersDescription
load(filename)Load a font from a file
Font MethodParametersDescription
measure(string)/ unfinished; should result with some { width : xx, height: yy } type object /
save(filename)Save font description to a file

Render Methods

Render constructor takes several optional parameters.

( title [, x, y [, w, h , parent Renderer]] )

TItle is a text string set as the window's caption/title string. X and Y control where the window is opened (-1, -1 uses a system default). W and H control the width and height of the window (-1, -1 uses a system default). parent renderer is a renderer that this one is opened over. This should guarantee stacking order, and is semi-modal, that events will not be sent to the parent renderer while the child is open.

Renderer MethodsArgumentsdescription
getImage()returns a sack.Image which is the surface of this renderer
setDraw( callback )callback function is passed a sack.Image which can be drawn on. Once this function returns, the content is updated to the display.
setMouse(callback)callback function is passed an event object containing { x, y, b } which is the mouse event x, y position within the surface of this renderer, and the button events. Button values are defined in sack.button.left/right/middle/scroll_down/scroll_up.
setKey(callback)callback function is passed an encoded integer value of the key. (needs more work to improve interfacing)
show()show the renderer. This must be called before the window will be displayed.
hide()hide the renderer. Does not close the renderer, but stops showing it on the display.
reveal()reveal the renderer. Meant to be used after hide() to restore it to the screen. (might also be show()? ).
redraw()trigger an event to the renderer which will invoke the draw callback specified.
update() or (x, y, width, height )Specify the position of the display which is meant to be updated. Can be used within the draw callback function for partial updates. If no arguments are specified, full display is updated.
close()Close the renderer. Releases all resources for the renderer. Ends event loop for display, so application can exit.
on( event Name, callback )Set events by name, "draw", "mouse", "key" setting the specified event to the function specified.

Frame Methods

These are higher level interface that creates a frame with a caption using Renderer and Image methods underneath. First, create a frame...

var frame = sack.Frame( "Title", x, y, width, height );

Frame constructor requires a title. If x, y are not specified, (0, 0) is used, and (1024,768) is used for width and height.

Frame Methodsargumentsdescription
load(filename)Load a frame from a file
Border(description object)make a custom border to apply to a frame
Frame Methodsargumentsdescription
Frame( title, x, y, width, height )create a new frame over the existing frame. This is a modal operation... that the existing frame will not get events until this frame is closed.
Control( controlType, x, y, width, height )Create a control within the frame, the controlType is a string specifying the type of the control to be created. Control types are available in an array as [sack.control.types](#sack.control.types)).
show()show the Frame. Frame is hidden allowing creating controls efficiently before showing the completed dialog.
hide()hide the frame. Does not close the frame, just removes it from being displayed.
reveal()restore a frame. (may be same as show()?)
close()close a frame.
borderaccessorSet border of frame
fontaccessorSet Font of this control (and all child controls)
focus()Set focus to this.
save(filename)Save this frame to a file
get(control ID)Get control by text ID
edit()Enable/begin editing on thie dialog frame.
close()Destroy/close a frame/control.
color...accessor container for all colors of this control (and all child controls
... colors
id( [source , version] )Version indicates which entropy generator to use internally
Control Methodsargumentsdescription
Control(controlTypes, x, y, width, height )creates a control within this current control.
createControl(controlTypes, x, y, width, height )creates a control within this current control.
createFramecreates a new frame over the current control/frame. Showing this will be modal.
show()show a control
hide()make a control hidden.
reveal()reveal a hidden control.
redraw()trigger an update to a control.
focus()Set focus to this.
get(control ID)Get control by text ID
close()Destroy/close a frame/control.
color...accessor container for all colors of this control (and all child controls
(other)...Depending on the control created, various addtional methods may be added. (A button will get a way to set click event, listbox will have methods to add list items, etc)
sizeaccessorgets an object {width:#, height:#} which has the current width and height of the control. Passing a similar object will set the width and height of a control.
positionaccessorgets an object {x:#, y:#} which has the current x and y position of the control. Passing a similar object will set the position of a control.
layoutaccessorgets an object {x:#, y:#, width:#, height:#} which has the current x and y position of the control and also size of the control. Passing a similar object will set the position of a control and also size of the control.
textaccessorsets/gets the caption/text string of a control. All controls have this, but not all controls show this.


Control Name(args?Description
FrameThis is a top-level container frame primarily. This cn be used as a container/group box within frames, but is probably best not to do this.
UndefinedNo Control; Place holder, certain error conditions result in the control being this type (as if there is no properly registered type
SubFrameThis is a container of other controls. THis can be given border Attributes, (Caption?)
TextControlStatic text line. Transparent background, text control with no border.
ButtonA button. It has a click event. It has text. It has colors and a border style. Automatic tabsltop, can be triggered with keyboard input (space bar).
CustomDrawnButtonA button. It clicks. It allows applicaation to draw custom content in the button; it forwards the draw event to a user callback
ImageButtonA button. It clicks. This has an image that fills the button; it has multiple image states for up/down (?)
CheckButtonA button; but shows as each click toggles up/down; and shows as a check mark. Can be styled to show as pressed/depressed state instead. Can be assigned to a group which turns it into a radio button; single selection of a group of checkboxes.
EditControlA bordered text input field. User input goes here.
SliderA control that shows a range-bar, with a slider knob to select within the range of values. (for example, a range 0-100, with a slider that allows the user to select that the value)
ListBoxA borered area that shows a list of items. Items are text strings shown to the user; items may be given an applicaation draw routine. Items have a 'level' indiciator which changes the list behavior to be a tree control, with branches and open knobs. Also includes a scroll bar control that it uses internally
ScrollBarThis is a different sort of slider. This has a range (0-100) and a span (15) that is the number of items the scroll tab covers, proprotionate to the overall range of values. Buttons on the endge allow +/- increments of 1. Clicking on the 'bar' on either side of the thumb moves by 1 page (1 span).
GridboxIncomplete(?) Oritingal implementer decided gainst actual implementation? Maybe it was hindered because the gridbox should support binding to sql queries, and allow interactive editing too?
ConsoleThis is a simple terminal-emulator type control. It accepts either line-mode user input (with a separate command entry line from the stream), or an inline line-mode user input, which automatically updats appending the output to ehe end of other output as data is received into the consol buffer. Support like printf() output formatting (or just send it some stirng from JS I suppose). Event input for user input. (Supports viable width fonts?)
SheetControltop-Tabbed control which container SubFrames that have other controls. Manged a tabbed-form control, showing just one tab at a time; supprotort custom styling of the top tabs with images/fonts...
Combo BoxA basic auto-expanding listbox single-selection control. A list of items is loaded into the control, and a currently selected item. The user can click a drop-arrow to show the list of other inputs, updaring the selected value
Basic Clock WidgetA clock; It ticks. It shows time. It has a toggle to take a skin and show graphic analog clock.
PSI Console? Duplicatin of Console?

Frame and Control Color names

Color NameUsage
highlightused on highlight edges of controls (borders of controls)
normalNormal background color
shadeused on shadow area of controls (borders of controls)
shadowused on shadow area of controls (borders of controls)
textColorNormal Text color used on most controls that have text
captionThe caption of the frame, this is the background
captionTextThis is the color of the caption text.
inactiveCaptionWhen frame is not in focus, background color of caption
InactiveCaptionTextWhen frame is not in focus, text color used for caption
selectBackEdit Control; this is the background of selected text
selectTextEdit control; this is the text of selected text
editBackgroundedit control; background of edit control
editTextedit control; text of edit control
scrollBarBackgroundbackground color of scrollbar (behind thumb)

Border flags

Border Flag (sack.PSI.control.border.(flag) )Description
normalThis is 0 value. It shows a medium thick border.
noneno border at all, surface area of control is full size of control.
thina thin border that shows as a raised element
thinnerA 1 pixel border that shows as a raised element
dentA grooved border, fall outside, rise inside
thinDentA thiner grooved border, fall outside, rise inside
thickDentA wider grooved border, fall outside, rise inside
userUser drawn; requires additional callbacks to be registered
invertA 4 pixel frame that is inset instead of raised
invertThinnerA 1 pixel frame that is inset instead of raised
invertThinA 2 pixel frame that is inset instead of raised
bumpa bump frame (rise outside, fall inside)
captionShow caption for control (title bar)
noCaptionno caption (title bar)
noMovedo not allow movement of the frame
closehas close button?
resizablecan resize this Frame. (Only applies for frame border)
withinThis is used with Frame controls, this allows a frame to be within this (modifies size behavior)
wantMousewant to get mouse events for control, even if normally they are filtered
fixedControl is not re-scaled because of font changes
noExtraInitDon't call extra init or extra destroy (internal use only?)
captionCloseButtonadd caption close button
noCaptionCloseButtonmake sure there's no caption close button
closeIsDoneWhen close is clicked, trigger done instead of destroy

Border Anchor Flags

If the required border to draw is larger than the image, the image is stretched to cover the area.

Anchor Flag (sack.PSI.control.borderAnchor.(flag) )Description
topMintop edge is anchors so left side is 0, and border chops right side.
topCentertop edge is anchored at center, and border chops left and right sides.
topMaxtop edge is anchored at right, left side is chopped
leftMinleft edge, anchored at top, chop bottom
leftCenterleft edge, anchored at center, chop bottom and top
leftMaxleft edge, anchored at bottom, chop top
rightMinright edge, anchored at top, chop bottom
rightCenterright edge, anchored at center, chop bottom and top
rightMaxright edge, anchored at bottom, chop top
bottomMinbottom edge is anchors so left side is 0, and border chops right side.
bottomCenterbottom edge is anchored at center, and border chops left and right sides.
bottomMaxbottom edge is anchored at right, left side is chopped

Specific control type extensions

Builtin controls have various methods that are associated with them. Such as a button's click event, which no other control has.

Button Controls (Image, Normal, Custom )

Control Methodsargumentsdescription
click(cb)Set callback to be triggerd when button is clicked
on(event,cb)Set Event handler for button. Suppoprted events (click).

Check/Radio Button Controls

Control Methodsargumentsdescription

Scroll Bar Controls

Control Methodsargumentsdescription

Edit Field

Control Methodsargumentsdescription
password<accessor>Set password attribute of edit control (show ****)

List Box

Control Methodsargumentsdescription
addItem(string)Add a string item to listbox; results with an object representing the item
removeItem(item)Remove an item from a listbox
setTabs(number array)set position array for tab stops in listbox
measure(string)measure the length of an item in the listbox
headeraccessor - setonlyset the header of a listbox
hScroll(enable, max)Enable parameter is a boolean (true/false). Max sets the max scroll length of the bar (use measure item?)
onSelect(cb)set callback to be triggered when an item in listbox is selected; it is passed the selected item
onDoubleClick(cb)set callback to be triggered when an item in listbox is double clicked; it is passed the selected item

Sheet Control (tabbed pages)

Control Methodsargumentsdescription
addPage(title, frame)Add a page to a sheet control

Progress Control

Control Methodsargumentsdescription
rangeaccessorSet the max range of progress
progressaccessorSet the current progress (within 0->range)
colors(a,b)Set colors of the progress bar
textaccessorboolean; sets whether to show the text percentage or not

Clock Control

Control Methodsargumentsdescription
analog()Enable analog mode for clock control (instead of digital text)

Control Registration

New controls can be created by specfiying a string name for the control type, and setting up event callback functions.

var newControl = sack.Registration( { name : "custom Control", draw(Image) { /* handle draw */ }, mouse( event ) { /* handle mouse event } } );

There are a couple dozen events actually available, but only a handful have been implemented. These are all specified in the option object passed to the control Registration constructor.

Registration Object Fieldsdescription
namestring used to create a control of this type
widthdefault width of the control when created through frame editor (not yet exposed)
heightdefault height of the control when created through frame editor (not yet exposed)
default_borderthe default border attributes of the control. Border attribute values are in sack.control.border
createa function called when the control is created. Return true/false to allow the control to be created or not.
drawa function called when a control needs to draw. sack.Image type is passed to the function.
mousea function called when a mouse event happens. A mouse event object with {x, y, b} is passed. coordinates are relative to the surface of the control (within the border of the control)
keya function called when a key event happens. A encoded key event is passed. (needs better interfacing)
destroyA function called when the control has been destroyed/closed
Othersas required these will be implemented... focus, touch, property page handlers, moved, sized, load, save....

Intershell Interface

Mostly unimplemented, more of a place holder than functional.

InterShell Object Methodsdescription
setSaveset callback for onSave(global info)
setLoadset callback for onLoad( globalinfo?")
startshow intershell surface
Button(name) register a button method for creating buttons
Control(name) register a control
Custom(name) register a custom control
InterShell Button Methodsdescription
setCreateset callback for when button is created (return false to prevent creation)
setClickset callback handler for when button is clicked
setSavecallback for when button is saved
setLoadcallback for when button is loaded
InterShell Button Instance Methodsdescription
setTitleSet text shown on button
setStyleset button style name
setTextColorset color for button text
setBackgroundset primary background color
setSecondarset seconary background color
InterShell Custom Control Methodsdescription
setCreateset callback for when button is created (return false to prevent creation)
setSavecallback for when button is saved
setLoadcallback for when button is loaded
InterShell Custom Control Instance Methodsdescription
setTitleSet text shown on button
InterShell Control Methodsdescription
setCreateset callback for when button is created (return false to prevent creation)
setSavecallback for when button is saved
setLoadcallback for when button is loaded
InterShell Control Instance Methodsdescription
setTitleSet text shown on button


  • 0.9.123
    • Sync VFS.
    • Fixed some GUI issues.
    • Improved documentation
  • 0.9.122 - Release work in progress update; fixed link to other project.
  • 0.9.121 -
  • 0.9.120 - Add listbox methods. Make control color accessors a templated object instead of adding an object with method extensions.
  • 0.9.119 - Fix missing websocket client event accessors. Add custom border support.
  • 0.9.118 - Update documentation and keywords. Fix building.
  • 0.9.117 - Fork from sack.vfs 0.9.117. Initial publication to NPM.