1.0.3 • Published 5 years ago
safe-objects v1.0.3
const safe = require('safe-objects')
let o = {
name: "User1",
address: {
street: "513"
getAddress: function() {
return this.address;
getNull: function() {
return null;
isNull: null,
items: [
let s = safe(o)
// '._' signifies the end of the expression and to resolve the value
console.log(s.getAddress().street._ === '513')
console.log(s.name._ === 'User1')
// Example using a default value '.__()' is used to specify a default resolution
console.log(s.name.noName.noName2.__('name') === 'name')
// Example resolving to an object
console.log(s.address._ === o.address)
// Example undefined resolutions
console.log(s.address.city.country.street._ === undefined)
console.log(s.isNull.next.next._ === undefined)
// Example calling a function that returns null
console.log(s.getNull().street._ === undefined)
// Example calling non existent function with default
console.log(s.style().testing.__('nothing') === 'nothing')
// Array examples
console.log(s.items[0]._ === 'A')
console.log(s.items[2].testing._ === undefined)