0.2.1 • Published 9 years ago

safe-puzzle v0.2.1

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9 years ago

Safe Puzzle

Puzzle to crack a safe.


$ npm init
$ npm install --save safe-puzzle


var SafePuzzle = require('safe-puzzle');

var safe = new SafePuzzle({
  length: 4, // number of digits in combination; Default: 4
  maxTries: 0, // if maxTries > 0 safe will throw an 
               //    error if too many unsuccessfull attempts
               //    Default: 0

safe.set('1234'); // Set combination to '1234'

safe.try('2345'); // false
safe.test('3456'); // synonym of safe.try
safe.check('4567'); // synonym of safe.try

safe.isUnlocked(); // false

safe.try('1234'); // true

safe.isUnlocked(); // true

try {
  safe.try('1111'); // while safe.isUnlocked() === true
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof SafePuzzle.UnlockedError) {
    // Already unlocked, Stop trying or reset
    //  safe.randomize() or safe.set( newValue )

var safeMax = new SafePuzzle({maxTries: 1});
try {
  safe.try('1111'); // acts as normal
  safe.try('1111'); // throws error
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof SafePuzzle.MaxTriesError) {
    // Tried too many times

safe.tries; // 5
safeMax.trie; // 1

safe.randomize(); // produces new code at random

safe.last; // '1111'
safe.push('2'); // tries '1112' and returns safe.isUnlocked();
safe.push('3'); // tries '1123' and returns safe.isUnlocked();
safe.push('9999'); // tries '9999' and returns safe.isUnlocked();
safe.push('55555'); // tries '5555' (as length option === 4) and returns safe.isUnlocked();

safe.last = '1234';
safe.try(); // compares using safe.last instead of input.
safe.push('12'); // tries '3412' and returns safe.isUnlocked();


var safe = new Safe({
  // Options
  • length :: Default: 4 :: length of combination on randomization. If safe.set( newValue ) is used and newValue.length !== options.length an error will be thrown.
  • maxTries :: Default: 0 :: If greater than 0, an error will be thrown upon exceeding maximum tries.


  • safe.last -- Defaults to '0000'. Records last attempted value;
  • safe.tries -- Defaults to 0. Auto-increments upon try;
  • safe.options -- List of options, post object creation.


  • safe.isUnlocked() -- Returns Boolean indicating state of safe lock
  • safe.set( newValue ) -- newValue: String of new combination. No return.
  • safe.randomize() -- Generates and sets a new random combination. No return.
  • safe.try( [value] ) -- Test value against combination. If value is null, it will test safe.last against current combination.
  • safe.test( [value] ); -- alias of safe.try
  • safe.check( [value] ); -- alias of safe.try
  • safe.push( value ); -- concatenate value onto safe.last and safe.try( value ) with the tail safe,options.length (default 4) characters against combination.


Simple Puzzle

Simply break the code. Nothing special about it, only four(4) digits. Just break the code using whatever means you prefer.

var SafePuzzle = require('safe-puzzle');

var safe = new SafePuzzle({
  length: 4

var unlocked = false;
while (!unlocked) {
  var tryCombo = // Generate the next combination 
  unlocked = safe.try( tryCombo );

Running Code Puzzle

The safe has a four(4) digit password. The password is entered in a running fashion instead of an enter-reset fashion. ex:

var SafePuzzle = require('safe-puzzle');

var safe = new SafePuzzle({
  length: 4

var unlocked = false;

unlocked = safe.push('1234'); // tries '1234'
unlocked = safe.push('5');    // tries '2345'
unlocked = safe.push('6');    // tries '3456'
unlocked = safe.push('7');    // tries '4567'
unlocked = safe.push('8');    // tries '5678'
/* etc */

One Long String Puzzle

Produce a single string which contains every possible combination, includes no duplicate entries, and shorter is better.

var SafePuzzle = require('safe-puzzle');

var safe = new SafePuzzle({
  length: 4

var unlocked = false;

var comboString = '1234567890...'; // figure out how to make this string.

safe.last = comboString.slice(0,3);
for (var i = 3, l = comboString.length; i < l; i ++){
  if ( safe.push( comboString[i] ) ) {
    console.log('SUCCESS!!!', comboString.slice(i-3, i+1));

9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago