0.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

safeguard v0.0.2

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Last release
9 years ago


Safeguard makes hashing with crypto easier and more convenient.


Safeguard takes care of the cryptography settings so the API is simple.

var safeguard = require('safeguard');

// Hash some text
safeguard.hasher(text, function(err, hash) {
  // Do some things and stuff...

// Compare some text to the hash
safeguard.compareToHash(text, hash, function(err, isMatch) {
  // Do some things and stuff...


The crypto settings and salt are encapsulated within each hash so you don't have to manage them. Unlike in crypto where you have to define them each time.

// Ewww... Yuk... Gross...
crypto.pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, keySize, function(err, hash) {
  // Do some things and stuff...

Since every hash string contains the settings used to create it you can change the default crypto settings at anytime without having to worry about tracking the old settings for previously hashed values.

Install Safeguard using npm and save it as a dependency in your package.json.

npm install safeguard --save

You can require Safeguard just like every other node.js module.

var safeguard = require('safeguard');



Compare a hash value (created by safeguard) to a plain text string.

textStringThe plain text to compare to the hash
hashStringThe hash to compare the plain text to
cbMethodA callback method that accepts an error and the boolean result of the comparison
safeguard.compareToHash(text, hash, function(err, isMatch) {
  // Do some things and stuff...


Hash a plain text string.

textStringThe plain text to hash
cbMethodA callback method that accepts an error and the hash string value
safeguard.hasher(text, function(err, hash) {
  // Do some things and stuff...

Constructor and Setters

You can configure Safeguard with the following attributes by passing them into the constructor or using the setter methods.


The constructor accepts the following parameters:

configObjectAny configuration that will override the default behavior.
logObjectA seedio-log instance.
errorObjectAn error instance that contains methods to build errors produced by safeguard.

Example of how you might use each parameter:

var config = {
  iterations: 20000,
  keyLength: 256

var log = require('seedio-log')({
  databaseLog: true,
  mongoose: require('mongoose'),
  name: 'MyAppName'

var error = {
  build: function(message, code) {
    var err = new Error(message);
    err.status = code || 400;
    return err;

var safeguard = require(safeguard)(config, log, error);


Configure or pass in a seedio-log reference. See the seedio-log github for documentation.

configObjectAny configuration that will override the default behavior.
logObjectA seedio-log instance.
errorObjectAn error instance that contains methods to build errors produced by safeguard.

Example of configuring the default log:

var safeguard = require('safeguard');

safeguard.setLog({ error: false });

Example of passing in an existing log reference.

var safeguard = require('safeguard');

var log = require('seedio-log')({
  databaseLog: true,
  mongoose: require('mongoose'),
  name: 'MyAppName'

safeguard.setLog(undefined, log);
```## setError
You can override the default error message building function.  By default all errors contain an HTTP error code in the status attribute.

var safeguard = require('safeguard');

var error = {
  build: function(message, code) {
    var err = new Error(message);
    err.status = code || 500;
    return err;



Configure safeguard by overriding the default configuration object.

var safeguard = require('safeguard');

safeguard.setConfig({ crypto: { iterations: 20000 } });

Configuration Object

The following attributes can be included in the configuration object to override the default behavior of Safeguard.

cryptoObjectn/aSettings related to the node.js crypto library.
crypto.defaultPlainTextLengthNumberundefinedWhen defined and an invalid string is hashed using the hasher, a random string of the specified size will be generated.
crypto.iterationsNumber10,000Number of times crypto iterates while hashing.
crypto.keyLengthNumber128Length of the text's hash value.
crypto.saltLengthNumber64Length of the hash's salt.

Note: Choose iterations to satisfy the formula v-2^(n-1) > f-p

Example Default Config

  crypto: {
    defaultPlainTextLength: undefined,
    iterations: 10000,
    keyLength: 64,
    saltLength: 64