1.2.3 • Published 7 years ago

saffyre v1.2.3

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7 years ago


Saffyre is a middleware plugin for Express that maps a directory containing JavaScript files to Express routes. This allows you to separate related routes into files and not have to manually maintain a list of files that need to be included.

Saffyre creates routes for every file in the directory based on the files' paths. For example, a file named account/settings.js would map to the url path account/settings. Any routes you define in settings.js would be mapped relative to this url. The whole url is relative to whatever prefix you specify when you add the Saffyre middleware to your Express app.

Getting Started

Install via npm:

$ npm install --save saffyre

If you haven't already, create your Express app.js file, and then register the saffyre middleware:

// app.js:

var app = require('express')();
var saffyre = require('./saffyre');

app.use(saffyre(__dirname + '/routes'));

app.listen(8080, function() {

The saffyre method takes a directory path where it should look for files.

Then, create the directory named routes (or whatever you chose to specify when you initialized Saffyre). Then add some files to it - their paths and filenames will become the url prefix that maps to each file.

File:                           URL Path prefix:
- routes/
    - about.js                  /about
    - home.js                   /home
    - account/
        - settings.js           /account/settings
        - home.js               /account/home

In all of these files, create an express.Router instance and set it to module.exports. Any routes you create on this Router instance will be mapped relative to the file's url prefix.

For example:

// /account/settings.js:

var router = require('express').Router();

router.get('/', function(req, res) {
    res.send('This is /account/settings/');

router.post('/save', function(req, res) {
    res.send('This is /account/settings/save');

module.exports = router;

You can see from the responses how the paths are mapped to url paths.

Special Filenames

There are two filenames that provide special functionality: _default.js and _global.js.


This file is used for requests that have a url path prefix matching only a folder name. It is essentially a "no name" file. Just like the url /home would map to /home.js, / will map to /_default.js.

This is useful for creating a homepage route or creating a route for a directory that also contains other files. In the folder structure example above, the addition of /_default.js and /account/_default.js would allow the url paths / and /account to map to distinct files.


This file provides a convenient way to add more middleware to a subset of url prefixes. The Express middleware method (ie. function(req, res, next)) that a _global.js file exports will be executed for all requests that have a url prefix matching the global file's path.

For example, /_global.js will be executed before all requests that Saffyre handles, and /account/_global.js will be executed before any request that has a url prefix of /account. All _global.js middleware is executed starting with the deepest file first, working up the directory structure.


First, require Saffyre:

var saffyre = require('saffyre');

saffyre is a function with the following signature:

function saffyre(path)

The return value of this function is an express.Router instance that can be used as middleware.

  • path is the directory containing files that you want to map to url prefixes. This can be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

The express.Router instance can be registered using Express's app.use() method, for example:


// Or, you can map the entire middleware to a prefix.
// All registered files will be relative to the specified url path:
app.use('saffyre/', saffyre('routes'));

7 years ago


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8 years ago