1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

saha v1.0.0

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3 years ago


Button pages for the discord-buttons package.

This package allows you to have multiple pages of buttons, and to be able to cycle through them using auto-generated buttons.

To install the package, use the following command in the console/terminal/shell.

npm i discord-buttons-pages

Here is some example code for using the package:

  const Discord = require("discord.js");
  const disbut = require("discord-buttons");
  const disbutpages = require("discord-buttons-pages")
  const client = new Discord.Client();
  client.on("message", async message=>{
  if(message.author.bot || message.channel.type == "dm")return;
  if(message.content == "test"){
        var m = await message.channel.send("Testing button pages")
        var pages = [];
        var page1 = [];
        var page2 = [];
        let button = new disbut.MessageButton()
        .setLabel("I like")
        button1 = new disbut.MessageButton()

        const page1Row = new disbut.MessageActionRow()
        button2 = new disbut.MessageButton()
        .setLabel("page 2")
        button3 = new disbut.MessageButton()
        const page2Row = new disbut.MessageActionRow()
        pages = [page1, page2]
        disbutpages.pages(client, m, pages, 100000, disbut, "red")

Of course, you can put more than one row of buttons per page.


There is one function in this package.

disbutpages.pages(client, message, pages, timeout, disbut, style)

Client: Client is your discord client

Message: This is the message that you sent and want to add buttons to.

Pages: This is an array of arrays of disbut.MessageActionRow()

Timeout: This is the amount of time after the message is sent (in milliseconds) to stop updating the pages.

Disbut: This is the disbut instance that you have.

  const Discord = require("discord.js")

  const client = new Discord.Client()

  const disbut = require("discord-buttons")


You would then use the defined disbut.

Style: This is the colour of the page moving buttons. Can be one of red, green, blurple or grey


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