2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

sanakalpcharts v2.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


Version David (path)


Example usage

<ChartDataProvider />

This component is a React utility wrapper around the @superset-ui/chart ChartClient and will generally require you to setup CORS (CROSS ORIGIN RESOURCE SHARING) to accept cross-origin requests from domains outside your Apache Superset instance:

  1. Configure CORS in your Apache Superset instance.

    a. Enable CORS requests to (minimally) the resources defined below.

    b. Enable CORS requests from the relevant domains (i.e., the app in which you will embed charts)

    # config.py
    ENABLE_CORS = True
        'supports_credentials': True,
        'allow_headers': [
            'X-CSRFToken', 'Content-Type', 'Origin', 'X-Requested-With', 'Accept',
        'resources': [
             '/superset/csrf_token/'  # auth
             '/api/v1/formData/',  # sliceId => formData
             '/superset/explore_json/*',  # legacy query API, formData => queryData
             '/api/v1/query/',  # new query API, queryContext => queryData
             '/superset/fetch_datasource_metadata/'  # datasource metadata
        'origins': ['http://myappdomain:9001'],
  2. Configure SupersetClient in the app where you will embed your charts. You can test this configuration in the @superset-ui storybook.

    import { SupersetClient } from '@superset-ui/connection';
      credentials: 'include',
      host: `${SUPERSET_APP_HOST}`,
      mode: 'cors',
  3. Register any desired / needed @superset-ui chart + color plugins.

    import WordCloudPlugin from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-word-cloud';
    new WordCloudPlugin().configure({ key: 'word_cloud' }).register();
  4. Pass SupersetClient to the ChartDataProvider along with the formData for the desired visualization type.

import { ChartDataProvider } from '@superset-ui/chart';

const render = () => (
  <DataProvider client={client} formData={formData}>
    {({ loading, error, payload }) => (
        {loading && <Loader />}

        {error && <RenderError error={error} />}

        {payload && (
          <SuperChart type={CHART_TYPE} chartProps={{ formData, payload, width, height }} />
<SuperChart />

Coming soon.


@data-ui/build-config is used to manage the build configuration for this package including babel builds, jest testing, eslint, and prettier.