0.4.0 • Published 6 years ago

sandbox-test-server v0.4.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Tool for ui components test automation


There are several ways to test components

  • Unit testing with tools like Jest Pros:
    • Easy to setup
    • Quite fast
    • Snapshot testing Cons:
    • No real browser testing (crossbrowser things)
    • No component interactions/integration testing
  • Manual testing using tools like storybook Pros:
    • Visualization
    • Testing in different browsers Cons:
    • No built-in automation except snapshot testing
  • End-to-end automation tools like testcafe, selenium Pros:

    • Visualization
    • Automation
    • Crossbrowser testing Cons:
    • Has to be used against application or sandbox like storybook
    • Can't define a data (or component) in test unit.


is to combine those 3 ways. So test can be automated, isolated (with its testing data) and run against real browser environment.


test('render: popup is shown', async () => {
  const { url } = await sandbox.render(`
    import React from 'react';
    import {Popup, Button} from 'semantic-ui-react'
  export default <Popup
    trigger={<Button icon="add" className="trigger-example" />}
    content='Example content'

  await t.navigateTo(url);

  await t.expect(Selector('.popup-example').exists).eql(false);
  await t.hover(Selector('.trigger-example'));
  await t.expect(Selector('.popup-example').exists).eql(true);


test('renderFromFile: check tab content is rendered', async () => {
  const { url } = await sandbox.renderFromFile(

  await t.navigateTo(url);

  await t.expect(Selector('.content1').visible).eql(true);
  await t.expect(Selector('.content2').exists).eql(false);
  await t.expect(Selector('.content3').exists).eql(false);

  await t.click(Selector('.tabular a').nth(1));

  await t.expect(Selector('.content1').exists).eql(false);
  await t.expect(Selector('.content2').visible).eql(true);
  await t.expect(Selector('.content3').exists).eql(false);

  await t.click(Selector('.tabular a').nth(2));

  await t.expect(Selector('.content1').exists).eql(false);
  await t.expect(Selector('.content2').exists).eql(false);
  await t.expect(Selector('.content3').visible).eql(true);

where './test-cases/basic-tab' is

import React from 'react';
import { Tab } from 'semantic-ui-react';
const panes = [
    menuItem: 'Tab 1',
    render: () => (
        <div className="content1">Tab 1 Content</div>
    menuItem: 'Tab 2',
    render: () => (
        <div className="content2">Tab 2 Content</div>
    menuItem: 'Tab 3',
    render: () => (
        <div className="content3">Tab 3 Content</div>

export default <Tab panes={panes} />;

What's inside

There are expressjs server, api to register components, webpack that compiles components on the fly

What's supported


I expect that with some webpack config replacements VueJS, Angular or Polymer can be used as well.