0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

sanity-dataset-manipulation v0.0.1

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4 years ago


This project contains source code for the Sanity dataset manipulation Lamdba function and associated command line utility.


Command-line usage

The command-line program exists in src/command.ts and can be invoked like so: 1. Execute npm i to install the required dependencies. 1. Run the command with: npm run start -- -p <project_id> -i <input_dataset> -o <output_dataset> -t <token_with_create_and_write_permissions>

Lambda function

The Lambda handler exists in src/index.ts. 1. Build the project by executing npm run build. 1. The Lambda entry point should be located in dist/index.js.

Adding additional document filters

Document filters are located in src/utils/filter-document/filters and handle filtration of document fragments. We define fragments as any value associated to a key within a document (JS object). Adding a document filter is simple: 1. Create a new filter and associated tests in src/utils/filter-document/filters. Filters should return false only if the document fragment should be omitted from the resulting dataset. 1. Extend the filters constant in src/utils/filter-document/index.ts to include a reference to your new filter. Filters should be ordered so that the most likely to return false are executed first.