1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

sanity-plugin-time-seconds v1.0.0

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4 years ago


For entering values in mm:ss format like 03:45, and reflecting them in your sanity model as second numeric values. This input can be used to both reflect a time or a second length. The intention is to make it easier for CMS managers to input these values when referencing playback.


sanity install time-seconds

Then you can use the TimeToSecondsField as an input component. Playback marker expects values in mm:ss format, and converts values to a seconds number whenever that criteria is met. The field type must always be "number".


import TimeToSecondsField from 'sanity-plugin-time-seconds'

  name: "timeSeconds", //Give your sanity field a name
  description: "Time when ad starts", //Give it a description
  type: "number", //Must always be number
  inputComponent: TimeToSecondsField,
  options: {
    placeholder: "Please enter a value in 00:00 format"


This is what the field looks like. On the right, the field's value is an int, representing seconds.

For fields in the schema like:

  name: "adStartTime",
  title: "Ad Start Time",
  type: "number",
  inputComponent: TimeToSecondsField,
  description: "Enter time when ad starts",
  options: {
    placeholder: "Value in 00:00 format",
  name: "adPlaybackLength",
  title: "Ad Length",
  type: "number",
  inputComponent: TimeToSecondsField,
  description: "Enter Length of Ad",
  options: {
    placeholder: "Value in 00:00 format",

TimeToSecondsField represents it like:

with the value being stored as total seconds int.