1.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

sass-spring v1.0.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago


CSS spring animations


npm install --save sass-spring
// import the animation-tools file from sass-spring as your setup allows
@import "../node_modules/sass-spring/src/animation-tools";

// define functions calculating values for each property you want to animate
@function generate-property-value($value) {
  // return the computed value of a single css property
  @return $value;

// include create-spring with a name to reference it by, a map of properties to
// functions calculating values, and some options
// an optional final parameter specifies the time in seconds per frame to lower
// css bloat; defaults to 1 / 60. Avoid making this higher than 1 / 10
@include create-spring(spring-name, (
  property-name: generate-property-value,
  // the options parameters are the same as framer's default spring curve
), spring-options(250, 25, 0));

.selector {
  // include use-spring to generate the appropriate animation-* properties
  // make sure you run your css through autoprefixer or an equivalent tool if
  // you need vendor prefixes
  @include use-spring(spring-name);

See the demos for more complex and real world usage. Build demos with npm run build and open each demo's html file. Run npm run watch to auto compile changes to demos.

Compiled demos are available on CodePen.


Local testing uses node-sass.

npm run test