0.2.0 • Published 2 months ago

satori-astro v0.2.0

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2 months ago


This is an helper function for Astro to help you generate OpenGraph images using satori and sharp.



Install the required dependencies:

pnpm add satori-astro sharp
npm install satori-astro sharp
yarn add satori-astro sharp


satoriAstroOG can be used in 3 ways, depending on the level of abstraction you need. We recommend going with toResponse by default. For example

// src/pages/og.png.ts
import type { APIRoute } from "astro";
import { satoriAstroOG } from "satori-astro";
import { html } from "satori-html";

export const GET: APIRoute = async () => {
	const fontFile = await fetch(
	const fontData: ArrayBuffer = await fontFile.arrayBuffer();

	return await satoriAstroOG({
		template: html`<div style="display: flex; justify-items: center; align-items: center; background-color: red; font-family: Inter; height: 100%;">
                            <h1 style="color: blue;">Test toResponse</h1>
		width: 1920,
		height: 1080,
		satori: {
			fonts: [
					name: "Inter Latin",
					data: fontData,
					style: "normal",
  • toSvg: returns a svg as string. It requires font data to be passed in. Any other satori option is optional
  • toImage: returns an image as Buffer. Built on top of toSvg, it requires ìts options as the satori property. It also allows passing custom resvg options as the resvg property
  • toResponse: returns a Response. Built on top of toImage, it accepts the same options as well as response, that can be used to aspects of the response (like headers).


This package is structured as a monorepo:

  • playground contains code for testing the package
  • package contains the actual package

Install dependencies using pnpm:

pnpm i --frozen-lockfile

Start the playground:

pnpm playground:dev

You can now edit files in package. Please note that making changes to those files may require restarting the playground dev server.


MIT Licensed. Made with ❤️ by Florian Lefebvre.


2 months ago


2 months ago


9 months ago