1.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

sb-data-utils v1.0.1

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10 years ago

SB Data Utilities

Version 1.0.0

This small javascript library provides a few useful functions for working with data in javascript. It is supplied as a node module. Data is assumed to be given in the format of an array of objects, each of which have the same properties.


While in you project's directory, install the node package with npm install sb-data-utils.

Then, to use the script in a node module, require it with,

var DU = require('sb-data-utils');

To use the script in a browser app, first load the script with,

<script src="node_modules/sb-data-utils/dist/data-utils.min.js"></script>

and then the libraries methods will be available through the DU variable.


Here are some brief descriptions of the methods. For in-depth documentation of the methods provided in the module, checkout the JSDoc output at out/index.html.

DU.find(array, property, query): Returns the first element in the array whose property property matches query.

DU.select(array, variable): Returns a simple array based giving the values of the property variable in the data set array.

DU.copy(data): Creates a copy of a data set. This create a new array with new elements, but the property values of each element are not duplicated.

DU.fill(data, input, defaults, start, end): Fills in missing observations in the data set data, based on missing integer values in the property input in the range [start, end]. defaults gives values for other properties in the missing observations. This function is useful for filling in data sets where data for particular years are missing.

DU.cumulative(data, input, output, baseline): Adds a new variable to a data set data called output which describes the cumulative count of a variable called input, where baseline is the value before any growth occurred.

DU.percentGrowth(data, input, output, trim): Adds a new variable to a data set data called output which describes the percentage growth based on a variable called input. By default will trim off the first observation.

Future Version Plans


  • Implement new fill method that will also work well with filling in dates.
  • Create a deep-copy option in the copy method.
  • Figure out better handling of trimming growth data.

10 years ago


10 years ago