1.0.0 • Published 10 years ago

sb-placer v1.0.0

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Last release
10 years ago

SB Placer


  • This is the tool to change content of html-element according given criteria.
  • There is a pure JavaScript version, without any dependency from third-party libraries.
  • And jQuery-plugin for jQuery lovers.
  • You can use it for phones switch, titles switch, any site content switch.

Grab it

# from `npm`
npm install --save sb-placer

# `bower`
bower install --save sb-placer

Or you can download this repo and use sb-placer.min.js / sb-placer.jquery.min.js from /dist folder.


In the <head>:

<!-- Stand-alone -->
<script src="/path/to/sb-placer.min.js"></script>

<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/sb-placer.jquery.min.js"></script>

You can use it as CommonJS / AMD module.

// Stand-alone
var sbPlacer = require('sb-placer');

// jQuery
var $ = require('jquery');

Now we can change the things.

// Stand-alone
  /* settings */

// jQuery
  /* settings */


What we have to do to make things happen:

  • give the DOM-node to place the data
  • give the criteria
  • exec callback right after the change (if you want to)


Here it is:

// Stand-alone
  targets: '.sb-phone'
  /* settings */

// jQuery
  /* settings */

.sb-phone — it's a simple css-selector. You can use classes, ids and all the stuff. In this example all nodes with the class sb-phone will be innerHTML'ed with the given data.

This is the only difference between the stand-alone and jQuery configurations.


// get the visitor's current source with Sourcebuster
var source = sbjs.get.current.src;

// magic!
  default_value: '8-800-DEFAULT-PHONE',
  conditions: [
      check: source,
      when: 'google',
      place: '8-800-GOOGLE-PHONE'
      check: source,
      when: 'bing',
      place: '8-800-BING-PHONE'
  • default_valueString (you can use html here)
  • conditionsArray of Objects

Condition object

  • checkString / Array of Strings
  • whenString / Array of Strings / RegExp
  • placeString (you can use html here)

We place data if check === when. In the example above if source is 'google' — it will place '8-800-GOOGLE-PHONE' inside the node.

Ok, it was simple. What about this one:

  default_value: '8-800-DEFAULT-PHONE',
  conditions: [
      check: source,
      when: ['google', 'bing'],
      place: '8-800-GOOGLE-BING-PHONE'
      check: source,
      when: 'facebook',
      place: '8-800-FACEBOOK-PHONE'

If source is 'google' OR 'bing' — place '8-800-GOOGLE-BING-PHONE'.

We want more!

var source = sbjs.get.current.src,
    medium = sbjs.get.current.mdm;

  default_value: '8-800-DEFAULT-PHONE',
  conditions: [
      check: [source, medium],
      when: [['google', 'bing'], 'organic'],
      place: '8-800-GOOGLE-BING-PHONE'
      check: [source, medium],
      when: ['facebook', 'social'],
      place: '8-800-FACEBOOK-PHONE'

If source is ('google' OR 'bing') AND (medium is 'organic') — place '8-800-GOOGLE-BING-PHONE'.

NB! This is important: [check].length === [when].length, or this condition will be omitted.

And finally RegExp:

var source   = sbjs.get.current.src,
    medium   = sbjs.get.current.mdm,
    campaign = sbjs.get.current.cmp;

  default_value: '8-800-DEFAULT-PHONE',
  conditions: [
      check: [source, medium, campaign],
      when: [['google', 'bing'], 'cpc', /^gb_.*_cpc$/i],
      place: '8-800-GOOGLE-BING-PHONE'
      check: [source, medium, campaign],
      when: [['facebook', 'twitter'], 'social', /^ft_.*_social$/i],
      place: '8-800-FACEBOOK-TWITTER-PHONE'


You can exec callback right after the placement was done (it's optional). It takes 3 arguments: check, when & place — values from matched object.

If nothing matched:

  • check = false
  • when = false
  • place = default_value
var doSmth = function(check, when, place) {
  // bla-bla

  /* settings */
  callback: doSmth


This script interacts with DOM-nodes, so pay attention to where you put the placer. Use jQuery's $(document).ready (or native event DOMContentLoaded with fallback) or place the placer after the target DOM-node.


It's MIT.

Have fun!