5.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

sc-field v5.0.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Field model component for Polymer and SocketCluster


bower install sc-field --save

You can include it inside your Polymer components like this (example):

<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/sc-field/sc-field.html">


See https://github.com/socketcluster/sc-sample-inventory for sample app which demonstrates this component in action.

Using as a standalone component

In your DOM, you can add an sc-field tag anywhere inside your main Polymer tags (example):

<sc-field id="product-qty" resource-type="Product" resource-id="{{productId}}" resource-field="qty" resource-value="{{productQty}}"></sc-field>

To save the current value to the server, you can setup a separate input field with a handler like this (in this case we will save the value when the input field's 'change' event triggers):

<input type="text" value="{{productQty}}" on-change="saveValue" data-save-to="product-qty">

Then you need to add a save handler to your Polymer component instance:

saveValue: function (event) {
  // This is the value from the data-save-to attribute from our input tag.
  // This is just to get a reference to our sc-field model instance.
  var targetModelFieldName = event.target.dataset.saveTo;
  var targetModelField = this.$[targetModelFieldName];

  // This will save the sc-field tag's current data to the server.

Using as part of a collection:

This is what an sc-collection might look like:

<sc-collection id="category-products" realtime="{{realtime}}" resource-type="Product" resource-value="{{categoryProducts}}" resource-view="categoryView" resource-view-params="{{paramsObject}}" resource-page-offset="{{pageOffsetStart}}" resource-page-size="{{pageSize}}" resource-count="{{itemCount}}"></sc-collection>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{categoryProducts}}" filter="hasIdFilter" observe="id">
  <sc-field resource-type="Product" resource-id="{{item.id}}" resource-field="qty" resource-value="{{item.qty}}"></sc-field>
  <sc-field resource-type="Product" resource-id="{{item.id}}" resource-field="price" resource-value="{{item.price}}"></sc-field>
  <sc-field resource-type="Product" resource-id="{{item.id}}" resource-field="name" resource-value="{{item.name}}"></sc-field>

Here we are iterating over an array of categoryProducts which are in the form {id: '644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b'} (the categoryProducts array comes from the sc-collection component's resource-value attribute) and we are extending them with additional fields/properties qty, price and name - This is how we can bind fields to specific items within a collection. Note that the item object above represents the current element in the iteration over the categoryProducts array. Also, note that there is no rendering logic here - These tags are just there to setup our realtime modeling layer.

Using the resource-value="{{item.qty}}" attribute, we are binding a RethinkDB document's qty property to each product's qty property on our frontend (in realtime).

Supported attributes

The sc-field tag supports the following attributes:

  • resource-type: This is the model/table name in RethinkDB.
  • resoure-id: The ID of the document inside RethinkDB which this model will be bound to.
  • resource-field: The specific property/field of the document which this sc-field tag is bound to for read/update operations.
  • resource-value: The binding for the value from RethinkDB (updated in realtime) - This is the output of the component.

See https://github.com/SocketCluster/sc-crud-rethink for more details about schemas and views.

For details about sc-collection attributes, see https://github.com/SocketCluster/sc-collection