1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

scalable-roblox-long-polling v1.0.1

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2 years ago

Scalable Roblox-Long-Polling

A module to make Real-Time messaging from Roblox Servers to your Node.JS server easy. But then I complicated it by making it scalable with Redis.

Information: Due to the nature of being scalable the first connection received will start a connection that will handle all messages. This means if the server the user first connects to disconnects then the client will receive no new messages.


  1. Download our RobloxModule here
  2. Ensure HTTP Service is enabled as the steps below show
  3. Download the Roblox module by doing npm i roblox-long-polling
  4. Add it to your Node.JS code with the example
  5. Ensure you have a server running Redis that you can connect this too, if you don't you won't be able to scale and you'll need to use the nonscaled version.
const  rlp = require("scalable-roblox-long-polling")

const poll = new  rlp({
    port:  2004, // Add this behind your IP, example:,
    //password: "passsword here" If you want to add a simple password, put uncomment this and add your password
    redisConnection: {//this is very much required
        host: "localhost",
        port: 6379
}); //Usage is just like the other module, the only difference is you need redis.

poll.on('connection', (connection) => {
    console.log('New connection', connection.id);// Will fire when a new connection is active, and include this IP address.
    poll.broadcast("new connection", connection.id); // Will broadcast to all active sockets that this one has joined the part.
    connection.send('welcome', 'hello there!') // Will send a welcome message to the new socket.
    connection.on('hello', (data) => {//On a event we will handle the hello message
        console.log("received hello message!", data)
    connection.on('internal_ping', () => {//We receive pings from the server to let us know its still alive, you can't disable this.
        console.log("Keep-Alive Ping received")
    connection.on('dsconnect', () => { // Fired when the game sends a disconnect command, or our timeout is fired.
        console.log('Disconnection', connection.id)
        poll.broadcast("disconnection", connection.id);
  1. Now, we're going to install a script in ServerScriptService that requires the Module we imported earlier, this is our magic code that allows you to interface with the Node.JS API.
local robloxLongPolling = require(script.Parent.robloxLongPolling)


local connection = robloxLongPolling.Connect("http://yourIpHere:2004", "")

connection:on("welcome", function(message)--This is an event fired in the above example, you can change this if you want into your own events.
    print("received welcome ", message)

connection:on("new connection", function(id)--This is an event fired in the above example, you can change this if you want into your own events.
    print("new connection ", id)

connection:on("disconnection", function(id)--Fired if we for some reason get disconnected.
    print("disconnection ", id)
connection:send("hello", "Hello world!")--Example on how to send messages.


Enabling HTTP Service

  1. Head on over to your game in Roblox Studio
  2. Open the top bar, and click "HOME"
  3. Click the cog named "Game Settings"
  4. In the modal that opens, click "Security"
  5. Ensure "Allow HTTP Requests" is enabled, if it isn't, enable it.


You are free to contirbute if you wish.