0.0.7 • Published 6 years ago

scarfold v0.0.7

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6 years ago


Node CLI Utility for scaffolding source files from custom Handlebars templates


$ npm install -g scarfold


$ yarn global add scarfold


  1. scarfold init
  2. add custom scaffolding commands to scarfold.json
  3. Run generation scarfold <template> --var1 value1 --var2 value2

Command reference

scarfold <template> ...options

Generates rendered template with provided values in vars

--override - Disable checking whether destination file already exists. Beware of accidental data loss.

scarfold init

Creates basic scarfold.json and templates folder.

Template syntax

The templates use standard Handlebars.js syntax which can be found here. Also check out examples.

{{ variable }}                      // render a value
{{{ variable }}}                    // render unescaped
{{#if variable }}...{{/if}}         // condition
{{#unless variable }}...{{/unless}} // negated condition

Also scarfold provides Handlebars helpers for working with different case conventions. This allows usage of one variable for multiple purposes (e.g. class name, file name, variable name ...) These are:

  • camelCase (variableIdentifierInCamelCase)
  • pascalCase (VariableIdentifierInPascalCase)
  • noCase (as is, just remove dashes from provided var)

These helpers requires variable to be provided in-snake-case. Specifiyng parameter '--someVar some-variable-name' and using helper {{camelCase someVar}} will render value someVariableName.


Each scaffolding command has "render" and "vars" properties.

render - defines how templates are projected to rendered files. In the example, template "textfile.txt" will be transformed to file "test/src/{{name}}.txt" (note paths can be also templated using standard Handlebars syntax).

vars - user defined parameters which can be supplied as command line arguments. These values will be passed to template engine.

Vars can also contain options default, if specified, the var will be considered optional and if not provided through CLI default value will be used.

Example configuration

This configuration defines following:

  • templateFolder - folder where users templates are stored (default: "templates")
  • scaffolding - user defined commands which will be used to generate templates.
  • scaffolding.textfile - scaffolding command

In example config "textfile" command is defined. user invokes this scaffolding command by scarfold textfile --name SomeName --status SomeStatus

  "templateFolder": "templates",
  "scaffolding": {
    "textfile": {
      "render": [
          "template": "textfile.txt",
          "dest": "test/src/{{name}}.txt"
          "template": "textfile2.txt",
          "dest": "test/src/{{name}}2.txt"
      "vars": {
        "name": { },
        "status": {
          "default": "simple"


Compilation - yarn build

Dev compilation watcher - yarn dev

Run tests - yarn test


  • CI
  • var type coercion (typed parameter)
  • support arrays
  • support complex types ?
  • ???
  • profit