0.1.6 • Published 6 years ago
scatter-styles v0.1.6
GetScatter Ltd. standard styles for use in internal and external projects. Better to standardize than to fracture.
Basic use
You need to import the library using:
npm install --save scatter-styles
Then you need to import the library into your project, preferably in the main.js file:
import ScatterStyles from 'scatter-styles';
In your working view, you can use the components simply by addressing them in the template:
Components in the library do not have to be initialized on a per-view basis.
Updating in NPM
Since we are already up and running you can add components as necessary into "./components". Make sure to do so in a branch, and then commit and create a PR.
You simply have to run the build script, then publish.
npm run build-bundle
Once you are ready to publish, bump the version and publish to npm using:
npm publish --access public