0.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

scenemanager v0.0.2

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5 years ago


Modularize - Adapt - Overcome

This is the modular version of stacksonstacks (it will be renamed)

Example install

Cd to the example directory. Run

npm install
npm run build

Then, since the image files need to be served, run

python -m http.server

and navigate to http://localhost:8000

The modules

cd to the directory. Right now there are 3:

  • threeml: sole purpose is to create textured cubes, but oh my is it good at that
  • scenemanager: takes in a terraform_json and calls threeml to add cubes to the scene. I envision this one as managing a graph of 3d nodes eventually
  • controlsmanager: this module hides the disgusting keystroke boilerplate to get browser movements to work

Developing the modules

We only write typescript, otherwise the world collapses. So the build process is a bit involved.

  • Before all, run npm install in the module directory. This is critical because typescript is a "devDependency", a dependency which doesn't ship in the package but which you'll need to recompile.
  • Make changes to index.ts in module directory you want to edit.
  • Run npm run build to invoke the typescript compile
  • How to publish a module is TBD since we need to setup an npm group for us all.

Developing the example

The example is slightly different. As usual, run npm install before doing anything.

  • Only make changes to example/src/index.ts. This is the "main" file.
  • To build, run npm run build. npm run build invokes webpack, which looks at the webpack config and sees that we specify typescript, and then invokes the typescript compiler on the src file, and bundles it into dist/. The dist/bundle.js file is the only thing included in example/index.html. Webpack does all the work
  • Note that updating the dependencies doesn't really work automatically yet, idk why

5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago