1.0.3 • Published 8 years ago

schema.engine v1.0.3

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8 years ago

Schema Engine

Schema is a front-end library for rendering object-literal components to the DOM. Object-literal components act as schemas that describe the HTML, CSS and JS that the component encapsulates.

A component is simply an object literal, acting like a schematic for the DOM structure it describes.

const Button = {
  data: { label: 'Submit' },
  template: ['button', '.btn', '!onclick: submit', '@label'],
  styles: {
    '.btn': {
      color: '#333',
      padding: '10px'
  submit: (self) => {
    self.setData({ label: 'Submitted' });
    self.setStyles({ '.btn': { color: '#ddd' } });

To render a component just pass it into the SchemaEngine, along with the element to mount it to.

  const engine = new SchemaEngine;
  engine.render(Button, document.getElementById('root'));

What's with the template structure? It is just an array, or an array of arrays if there's nesting.

  ['div', '.divClass', 'This is the content of the div']

Will be generated directly in the DOM, but the HTML representation would look like:

  <div class='divClass'>This is the content of the div</div>

Some sugar can come into use.

  ['.divClass', 'This is the content of the div']

Some nesting.

    ['.childDiv', 'This is a child div']

The first string in the array is always a tag (id or class for divs). The last string is always the content of the tag. Everything between are attributes.

  ['.divClass', '#parentClass', 'data-id: p1',
    ['a', 'href: https://github.com', 'Github'],
    ['img', 'src: images/icon.png', '']

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago