schutz v0.4.1
A command line interface used to track to do items in a software project. Use the cli to create todo items, list todo items, mark a todo item as complete, and remove a todo item.
npm i schutz -g
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
todo init
todo add read a book
todo add run 5 miles
todo ls
Initialize todo List
Creates todos.json file within the current directory. Use when you wish to start anew list. If todos.json already exists, 'todo init' will not do anything
todo init
###Add a todo item
todo add <some text describing the todo time>
todo add feed
###List Todos
List all todos in your todo list.
todo ls
Mark todo complete
Toggle a todo item as complete
todo check <TODO ID GOES HERE>
Example Marks the 2nd schutz item as complete or not complete if it is complete.
todo check 2
Remove todo
deletes a specific todo item by providing the todo id
todo rm 1
Future Features
Show percent of todos completed Assign a todo to a person Record the data and time completed. Export the todo items to github as issues. Export to trello as a list