1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

scorta v1.0.0

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4 years ago

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A tiny (330B to 357B) and fast utility to find a module's hidden supply / cache directory.

With scorta, you can locate a module's private .cache directory by name. This is a common practice among many popular libraries, including AVA, nyc, Babel, etc.

# Others
# Yours!

When searching, the following steps are taken:

1) Echo the value of process.env.CACHE_DIR if defined and truthy 2) Traverse parent directories until a package.json file is found 3) If a package.json was found, return a node_modules/.cache/{name} path only if it's not read-only 4) All other cases return a fallback, which is either undefined or a os.tmpdir value

Why "scorta"? It's Italian for a stock or a supply, which is generally the purpose for a .cache directory.


$ npm install --save scorta


There are two "versions" of scorta available:


Node.js: >= 8.x Size (gzip): 357 bytes Availability: CommonJS, ES Module

This is the primary/default mode. It makes use of async/await and util.promisify.


Node.js: >= 6.x Size (gzip): 330 bytes Availability: CommonJS, ES Module

This is the opt-in mode, ideal for scenarios where async usage cannot be supported.


Example Structure

  ├── fixtures
    └── empty.js
  └── demo
    └── node_modules/...
    └── package.json
    └── index.js

Example Usage

// demo/index.js

import { join } from 'path';
import { scorta } from 'scorta';

const fixtures = join(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures');

await scorta('hello');
//=> "/example/demo/node_modules/.cache/hello"

await scorta('hello', { cwd: fixtures });
//=> undefined

await scorta('hello', { cwd: fixtures, tmpdir: true });
//=> "/var/folders/77/hdmgkj_x2l7454w0y5lwv2l80000gn/T"

Note: To run the above example with "sync" mode, import from scorta/sync & remove the awaits.


scorta(name, options)

Returns: Promise<string|void> or string|void

When scorta locates a valid directory, the value will always be an absolute path (string).

However, if scorta cannot locate a valid, writable directory, then the return value is undefined by default. However, this can be changed via the tmpdir option.

Important:The sync and async versions share the same API.The only difference is that sync is not Promise-based.


Type: string

The target module's name.

This value is used to construct the final .cache directory path. For example:

await scorta('hello');
//=> /.../node_modules/.cache/hello


Type: string Default: .

The directory where path resolution should begin. Defauls to the process.cwd() – aka, the directory that your process is run within.


Type: boolean Default: false

When truthy, scorta will return a os.tmpdir() value instead of undefined.

Important: When this option is in use, scorta always yields a string!


Running on Node.js v10.13.0

# Load Time
  find-cache-dir  11.628ms
  scorta           1.326ms
  scorta/sync      0.508ms

# Levels: 0 (target = "foo"):
  find-cache-dir   x 10,700 ops/sec ±0.55% (82 runs sampled)
  scorta/sync      x 11,060 ops/sec ±0.83% (88 runs sampled)
  scorta           x 80,804 ops/sec ±2.22% (74 runs sampled)

# Levels: 6 (target = "bar"):
  find-cache-dir   x  2,107 ops/sec ±0.42% (89 runs sampled)
  scorta/sync      x  5,507 ops/sec ±0.46% (91 runs sampled)
  scorta           x 78,593 ops/sec ±4.03% (79 runs sampled)

# Levels: 11 (target = "baz"):
  find-cache-dir   x  1,377 ops/sec ±0.36% (93 runs sampled)
  scorta/sync      x  3,892 ops/sec ±0.25% (95 runs sampled)
  scorta           x 76,641 ops/sec ±6.92% (68 runs sampled)


  • escalade - A tiny (183B to 210B) utility to ascend parent directories
  • totalist - A tiny (195B to 224B) utility to recursively list all (total) files in a directory
  • mk-dirs - A tiny (380B to 420B) utility to make a directory and its parents, recursively


MIT © Luke Edwards