0.0.1 • Published 3 years ago
screen-recorder-angular v0.0.1
ScreenRecorder for Angular
An Angular component that can record the screen
简体中文 | English
npm install screen-recorder-angular --save
1 . Simple use
- in app.module.ts
import { ScreenRecorderModule } from 'screen-recorder-angular'; @NgModule({ // ... imports: [ // ... ScreenRecorderModule ] })
- in app.component.html
<!-- your ohter content --> <app-screen-recorder></app-screen-recorder> <!-- your ohter content -->
2 . Enable preview and customize some information
- in app.module.ts
import { ScreenRecorderModule } from 'screen-recorder-angular'; @NgModule({ // ... imports: [ // ... ScreenRecorderModule ] })
- in app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { // your other content... videoOptions: MediaTrackConstraints = { width: 1920, height: 1080, frameRate: 60, }; }
- in app.component.html
<!-- your ohter content --> <app-screen-recorder [preview]="true" shortKey="Alt+Shift+R" startBtnText="🛫 开始" startBtnStyle="color:#48bfa7" endBtnText="🛑 结束" endBtnStyle="color: red" [videoOptions]="videoOptions" > </app-screen-recorder> <!-- your ohter content -->
3 . Listening event callback
- in app.module.ts
import { ScreenRecorderModule } from 'screen-recorder-angular'; @NgModule({ // ... imports: [ // ... ScreenRecorderModule ] })
- in app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { // your other content... onStart = (event: { mediaStream: MediaStream }) => { /** Your logic code **/ } onError = (event: { err: unknown }) => { /** Your logic code **/ } onUnsupport = () => { /** Your logic code **/ } onEnd = (event: { url: string, blob: Blob }) => { /** Your logic code **/ } }
- in app.component.html
<!-- your other content --> <app-screen-recorder [preview]="true" (onRecordingStart)="onStart($event)" (onRecordingEnd)="onEnd($event)" (onRecordingUnsupport)="onUnsupport()" (onRecordingError)="onError($event)" > </app-screen-recorder> <!-- your other content -->
4 . Custom view
- in app.module.ts
import { ScreenRecorderModule } from 'screen-recorder-angular'; @NgModule({ // ... imports: [ // ... ScreenRecorderModule ] })
- in app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { // your other content... recording = false start = (startEvent: Function) => { startEvent(); this.recording = true; }; customRecordingEnd = ({ url }: { url: string }) => { this.recording = false; console.log(url); // to do sth for url }; }
- in app.component.html
<!-- your ohter content --> <app-screen-recorder [preview]="true" (onRecordingEnd)="customRecordingEnd($event)" > <ng-template startContent let-startEvent="startEvent"> <!-- your custom view for startContent --> <button *ngIf="!recording" (click)="start(startEvent)"> 开始录屏 </button> </ng-template> <ng-template endContent let-endEvent="endEvent"> <!-- your custom view for endContent --> <button *ngIf="recording" (click)="endEvent()"> 结束录屏 </button> </ng-template> <ng-template previewContent let-mediaStream="mediaStream"> <!-- your custom view for previewContent --> <video muted autoplay width="500" style="display: block;" [srcObject]="mediaStream" > </video> </ng-template> </app-screen-recorder> <!-- your ohter content -->
propsName | required | type | default | desc |
shortKey | false | string | - | shortcut key for starting, if you set shortcut, ESC will be set as the shortcut key to end recording |
preview | false | boolean | false | show preview |
videoOptions | false | MediaTrackConstraints | - | video options |
startBtnText | false | string | 开始录屏 | the text for start-button |
startBtnStyle | false | string | - | the style for start-button |
endBtnText | false | string | 结束录屏 | the text for end-button |
endBtnStyle | false | string | - | the style for end-button |
eventsName | paramList | desc |
onRecordingStart | { mediaStream : MediaStream } | recorder start |
onRecordingEnd | { blobUrl : string, blob : Blob } | recorder end |
onRecordingUnsupport | void | recorder API unsupported |
onRecordingError | { err : unknown } | recorder error |
projection-selector | context-parameter-list | desc |
startContent | { startEvent: Function, endEvent: Function } | Customize the view that triggers the start screen recording event;startEvent : start screen recording, endEvent : end screen recording |
endContent | { endEvent: Function, startEvent: Function } | Customize the view that triggers the end screen recording event; endEvent : end screen recording, startEvent : start screen recording |
previewContent | { mediaStream: MediaStream } | Customize video preview,mediaStream : it is the captured screen media stream, which can be assigned to the scrobject of video to preview and play |