2.1.0 • Published 7 years ago
scroll-observer v2.1.0
Add a class to an element when a specific scroll threshold has been reached
npm install --save scroll-observer
yarn add scroll-observer
This is useful if you want to have a sticky nav
import ScrollObserver from 'scroll-observer'
new ScrollObserver(document.querySelector('.nav'), {
// options, defaults listed
threshold: 1,
// The scroll threshold you want to use to change state
// Can also be set to 'this' to dynamically determine the
// threshold based on the element passed
classNameActive: 'scrollObserver-active',
// The CSS class applied to the element when `window.scrollY` is reached
classNameInactive: 'scrollObserver-inactive',
// The CSS class applied to the element when `window.scrollY` not reached
// Use the offset of the passed element
new ScrollObserver(document.querySelector('.foo'), {
threshold: 'this',
// Set threshold to 50 and change the active class
new ScrollObserver(document.querySelector('.foo'), {
threshold: 50,
classNameActive: 'fixToTop',
Future development
- 2nd param could be array so can apply multiple options on the element
- Is there a need for inactive class?
new ScrollObserver(
threshold: 'this',
threshold: 500,
classNameActive: 'fixToTop',
Testing: http://jsbin.com/tokuco/edit?js,output
Made by Z&er :zap: