1.2.3 • Published 3 years ago

scss-to-tailwindcss v1.2.3

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Last release
3 years ago


This library converts SASS variables to JSON.

You may be asking why this is needed?

One of the limitations of using SASS with tailwindcss is that you can't use SASS functions/mixins with your theme configuration. For example, the following won't work:

.alert {
  // Won't work, Sass is processed first
  background-color: darken(theme("colors.red.500"), 10%);

This library tries to solve this limitation by providing a way to write your tailwindcss theme configuration in SASS.

Because your theme configuration is written in SASS, you can use all the power of it without any limitation.

You still can use all the power of tailwindcss.

Note: There is one caveat, if you need to define functions in your theme configuration, you would need to define them in the tailwind.config.js. In SASS, you can only define static variables.

Especial thanks to the following libraries that I have used code from it:


npm i -D scss-to-tailwindcss


You need to define your theme options in a SASS file.

The names of the SASS variables need to be the same as the names you would set in the tailwind.config.js file.

The properties that need to extend the tailwindcss default theme, should be defined inside a SASS map named $extend.

An example of a theme configuration:

//////////////////////// RESPONSIVENESS

$screens: (
  "xs": 30em, // 480px
  "sm": 40em, // 640px
  "md": 48em, // 768px
  "lg": 64em, // 1024px
  "xl": 80em, // 1280px

//////////////////////// SPACINGS

$spacing: (
  "auto": auto,
  "0": 0,
  "0.5": 0.125rem,
  "1": 0.25rem,
  "1.5": 0.375rem,
  "2": 0.5rem,
  "2.5": 0.625rem,
  "3": 0.75rem,
  "3.5": 0.875rem,
  "4": 1rem,
  "5": 1.25rem,
  "6": 1.5rem,
  "7": 1.75rem,
  "8": 2rem,
  "9": 2.25rem,
  "10": 2.5rem,
  "11": 2.75rem,
  "12": 3rem,
  "14": 3.5rem,
  "16": 4rem,

//////////////////////// SIZING

$width: (
  "0": 0px,
  "1/12": 8.333333%,
  "1/6": 16.666667%,
  "1/5": 20%,
  "1/4": 25%,
  "1/3": 33.333333%,
  "2/5": 40%,
  "1/2": 50%,
  "3/5": 60%,
  "2/3": 66.666667%,
  "3/4": 75%,
  "4/5": 80%,
  "full": 100%,
  "screen": 100vw,
  "min": min-content,
  "max": max-content,

//////////////////////// TYPOGRAPHY

$fontSize: (
  "xs": 0.75rem,
  "sm": 0.875rem,
  "base": 1rem,
  "lg": 1.125rem,
  "xl": 1.25rem,
  "2xl": 1.5rem,
  "3xl": 1.875rem,
  "4xl": 2.25rem,
  "5xl": 3rem,

$fontWeight: (
  "thin": 100,
  "extralight": 200,
  "light": 300,
  "normal": 400,
  "medium": 500,
  "semibold": 600,
  "bold": 700,
  "extrabold": 800,
  "black": 900,

$letterSpacing: (
  "tighter": -0.05em,
  "tight": -0.025em,
  "normal": 0em,
  "wide": 0.025em,
  "wider": 0.05em,
  "widest": 0.1em,

//////////////////////// COLORS

$colors: (
  "white": hsl(0, 0%, 100%),
  "black": hsl(0, 0%, 0%),
  "current": currentColor,
  "primary": (
    "100": hsl(4, 100%, 97%),
    "200": hsl(4, 100%, 87%),
    "300": hsl(4, 100%, 67%),
    "400": hsl(4, 100%, 57%),
    "500": hsl(4, 100%, 50%),
    "600": hsl(4, 100%, 47%),
    "700": hsl(4, 100%, 37%),
    "800": hsl(4, 100%, 17%),
  "gray": (
    "100": hsl(0, 0%, 90%),
    "200": hsl(0, 0%, 85%),
    "300": hsl(0, 0%, 75%),
    "400": hsl(0, 0%, 60%),
    "500": hsl(0, 0%, 40%),
    "600": hsl(0, 0%, 30%),
    "700": hsl(0, 0%, 20%),
    "800": hsl(0, 0%, 10%),

//////////////////////// EXTEND

$extend: (
  gridTemplateColumns: (
    auto: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(var(--size), 1fr)),

  gridTemplateRows: (
    auto: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(var(--size), 1fr)),

The above SASS file will be translated to:

  screens: {
    xs: '30em',
    sm: '40em',
    md: '48em',
    lg: '64em',
    xl: '80em'
  spacing: {
    '0': 0,
    '1': '0.25rem',
    '2': '0.5rem',
    '3': '0.75rem',
    '4': '1rem',
    '5': '1.25rem',
    '6': '1.5rem',
    '7': '1.75rem',
    '8': '2rem',
    '9': '2.25rem',
    '10': '2.5rem',
    '11': '2.75rem',
    '12': '3rem',
    '14': '3.5rem',
    '16': '4rem',
    'auto': 'auto',
    '0.5': '0.125rem',
    '1.5': '0.375rem',
    '2.5': '0.625rem',
    '3.5': '0.875rem'
  width: {
    '0': '0px',
    'auto': 'auto',
    '1/12': '8.333333%',
    '1/6': '16.666667%',
    '1/5': '20%',
    '1/4': '25%',
    '1/3': '33.333333%',
    '2/5': '40%',
    '1/2': '50%',
    '3/5': '60%',
    '2/3': '66.666667%',
    '3/4': '75%',
    '4/5': '80%',
    'full': '100%',
    'screen': '100vw',
    'min': 'min-content',
    'max': 'max-content'
  fontSize: {
    'xs': '0.75rem',
    'sm': '0.875rem',
    'base': '1rem',
    'lg': '1.125rem',
    'xl': '1.25rem',
    '2xl': '1.5rem',
    '3xl': '1.875rem',
    '4xl': '2.25rem',
    '5xl': '3rem'
  fontWeight: {
    thin: 100,
    extralight: 200,
    light: 300,
    normal: 400,
    medium: 500,
    semibold: 600,
    bold: 700,
    extrabold: 800,
    black: 900
  letterSpacing: {
    tighter: '-0.05em',
    tight: '-0.025em',
    normal: '0em',
    wide: '0.025em',
    wider: '0.05em',
    widest: '0.1em'
  colors: {
    white: 'rgb(255,255,255)',
    black: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
    current: 'currentColor',
    primary: {
      '100': 'rgb(255,241,240)',
      '200': 'rgb(255,193,189)',
      '300': 'rgb(255,98,87)',
      '400': 'rgb(255,50,36)',
      '500': 'rgb(255,17,0)',
      '600': 'rgb(240,16,0)',
      '700': 'rgb(189,13,0)',
      '800': 'rgb(87,6,0)'
    gray: {
      '100': 'rgb(230,230,230)',
      '200': 'rgb(217,217,217)',
      '300': 'rgb(191,191,191)',
      '400': 'rgb(153,153,153)',
      '500': 'rgb(102,102,102)',
      '600': 'rgb(77,77,77)',
      '700': 'rgb(51,51,51)',
      '800': 'rgb(26,26,26)'
  extend: {
    gridTemplateColumns: {
      auto: 'repeat(auto-fill, minmax(var(--size), 1fr))'
    gridTemplateRows: {
      auto: 'repeat(auto-fill, minmax(var(--size), 1fr))'

In your tailwind.config.js:

const {parse} = require('scss-to-tailwindcss');
const {join} = require('path');

module.exports = {
    theme: {
        // Imagine you have defined your theme configuration in the same place 
        // where `tailwind.config.js` is located
        ...parse(join(__dirname, '_config.scss')),

Now, when you need to access a theme configuration property, you have three ways:

  • Using tailwindcss @apply directive:
.test-class {
  @apply text-base text-white;
  • Using tailwindcss theme function:
.test-class {
  font-size: theme("fontSize.base");
  color: theme("colors.white");
  • Using SASS:

In your SASS main entry point add the following lines before any styles:

@use "<path-to-your-config-file>/config";
@use "~scss-to-tailwindcss/theme";
@use "sass:meta";

@include theme.set(meta.module-variables(config));

Now you can use some utility functions that have been written to make it easier to access your theme configuration from SASS:

@use "~scss-to-tailwindcss/spacing";
@use "~scss-to-tailwindcss/theme";
@use "~scss-to-tailwindcss/color";

.test-class {
  font-size: theme.get("fontSize.base");
  color: theme.get("colors.white");
  // Now you can use all the power of SASS with tailwindcss!
  background-color: darken(theme.get("colors.primary.700"), 10%);

.test-class2 {
  // You can use the spacing configuration with "em" units if you need to.
  padding: spacing.em(4); // -> "1em"

.test-class3 {
  // You can request a color with an opacity.
  // The following will give you your default primary color with an opacity of 0.4
  color: color.get("primary.DEFAULT", 40);




See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).


3 years ago


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3 years ago