0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

seamlessdocs-client v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago

SeamlessDocs Client

Initial client setup

  1. Install Node and Yarn

    • If you're on OSX and you have homebrew installed:
    $ brew install node yarn
    • Otherwise follow the platform-appropriate install instructions for node and yarn
  2. There's a random thing you may need to do to make nodegit installable on OSX Sierra (see: https://github.com/nodegit/nodegit/issues/1124)

    $ sudo xcode-select --install
  3. Install dependencies
    $ yarn login
    $ yarn
  4. Run the app:
    • Run against stage backend (feel free to replace testforce with another domain):
    $ SEAMLESSDOCS_ACCOUNT_KEY=testforce yarn start
    • Or run against local backend:
    $ yarn run with-local-api

Site will be served on https://localhost:3000 if available

Running tests

Run all tests:

$ yarn test

Run an individual test (e.g. test/epics/sampling.spec.js):

$ yarn run test-only test/epics/sampling.spec.js

Adding & Updating Dependencies

Dev-Only Dependencies

$ yarn add $PACKAGE -D

Prod Dependencies

$ yarn add $PACKAGE

Uninstalling dependencies

In order to uninstall dependencies, run the following:

$ yarn remove $PACKAGE_NAME

This uninstalls and updates the package.json file for both dev and prod packages.

Flow Typed

You can run flow-typed install after a new package installation. This should be done with caution, and periodically, since it might override valid libdefs with a generic one. You can also periodically run flow-typed update to download any libdef updates, verify that the project still typechecks, and the commit the updates.

IMPORTANT These flow-typed files are blacklisted and should not be commited to master:

  • rxjs
  • redux-observable
  • babel-*
  • webpack-*
  • eslint-*

NG Embed NPM Package (aka Wilson)

NG Embed is the npm package to embed NG into our legacy platform.

Local development

NG Embed offers two types of local development:

  • Without having to embed the script into the legacy product: run your local server and visit https://localhost:3000/embed. Make sure you login first via https://localhost:3000/ng/login if it requires authenticated calls
  • Embedding the script into the legacy product: run your local server and deploy a branch to your yourname.nonprod.seamlessdocs.com that turns on USE_LOCAL_NG_EMBED_BUNDLE in legacy. You might need to double click on embed.js in the network tab to accept the self-signed https certificate.

Updating the package for production

This is only necessary for deploying changes to production, not local development. To update the package, do the following steps:

  • If you haven't done so, create an account at www.npmjs.com and have one of the FE engineers add you to the SeamlessDocs org.
  • Make, commit, and land changes to files in the embed dir.
  • Run yarn run build-embed. This will build the ng embed package into build-embed/build.
  • cd build-embed
  • Bump version in build-embed/package.json.
  • Log into npm via yarn login.
  • Make sure your current directory is build-embed then run npm publish.
  • Commit and land version change.
  • Bump version in SeamlessDocsAPI package.json.

NG Internal Tools

NG Internal Tools comprises of the following tools for internal use only:

  • Tailor (Admin tool to update users, subdomains, and feature flags)

Local development

Run the scala server in private mode locally:

$ cd seamlessng/server/scala/lobby
$ export SEAMLESSDOCS_SET__SEAMLESSDOCS_SESSION_VALIDISSUERLIST="https://seamlessdocsinternal.auth0.com/"
$ export SEAMLESSDOCS_SET__SEAMLESSDOCS_SESSION_ASYMMETRIC_BASE64ENCODEDMODULO="`curl -s https://seamlessdocsinternal.auth0.com/pem | openssl x509 -noout -modulus | sed 's/Modulus=//' | xxd -r -p | base64`"
$ sbt run

Run the client:

  • yarn run with-local-api
  • http://localhost:3000/internal-tools

Production build

yarn run build-internal-tools