0.0.10 • Published 9 years ago
search-scrape v0.0.10
Search Scraping
Don't be a dick.
PRs welcome. I'm only updating this when it breaks. Documentation could use some work.
This system makes use of SpookyJS, which makes use of CasperJS, which makes use of PhantomJS.
var Scraper = require( "search-scape" );
var myScraper = new Scraper( );
myScraper.Search( "Scraping a webpage", function( err, results ){
if( err ){
return console.log( err );
// results is an array of objects.
// each object contains 'description', 'title', and 'link'.
console.log( results );
} );
var Scraper = require( "search-scape" );
var myScraper = new Scraper( { port: 8081 } ); // what port spooky will use for communication to casper
myScraper.Search( "Dice on black table", { images: true }, function( err, images ){
// images is an array of urls.
} );