1.0.8 • Published 3 months ago

secure-password-gen v1.0.8

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3 months ago

Secure Password Generator

A simple npm package for generating random passwords with customizable options.


You can install the secure-password-gen package via npm:

npm install secure-password-gen


const generatePassword = require('secure-password-gen');

// Generate a password with default settings (12 characters, including uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols)
const password = generatePassword();
console.log("Default Password:", password);

// Generate a password with custom length and options
const customPassword = generatePassword(16, true, true, true, false);
console.log("Custom Password:", customPassword);


The generatePassword function accepts the following parameters:

  • length (optional): The length of the password (default is 12).
  • includeUppercase (optional): Whether to include uppercase letters (default is true).
  • includeLowercase (optional): Whether to include lowercase letters (default is true).
  • includeNumbers (optional): Whether to include numbers (default is true).
  • includeSymbols (optional): Whether to include symbols (default is true).


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

In this documentation:

  • The Installation section explains how to install the package using npm.
  • The Usage section provides examples of how to use the secure-password-gen function with default and custom options.
  • The License section states the license under which the package is distributed.