1.0.0 ā€¢ Published 3 years ago

selector-exists v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
MIT License
Last release
3 years ago

Welcome to selector-exists šŸ‘‹

Version Documentation Maintenance License: MIT License

A node utility to check HTML markup for the existence of CSS selectors.


# local installation as a dependency
npm install selector-exists

# global installation
npm install -g selector-exists

# direct usage with npx
npx selector-exsits

CLI Usage

Running with the help option returns the following options:

selector-exists --help

      --help         Show help                                         [boolean]
      --version      Show version number                               [boolean]
  -h, --html         HTML markup                                        [string]
  -p, --html-paths   Path(s) to files containing HTML markup            [string]
  -u, --html-url     URL to page to check                               [string]
  -c, --css          CSS string                                         [string]
  -f, --css-files    Path(s) to css files                               [string]
  -r, --css-url      URL to css file                                    [string]
  -s, --selectors    Comma separated list of selectors to check         [string]
      --hide-used    Hide used selectors              [boolean] [default: false]
      --hide-unused  Hide unused selectors            [boolean] [default: false]
      --json         Output as JSON object instead of a table
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

Simple example:

selector-exists --html "<div class="box"><span></span></div>" --selectors ".box, .box span, img"

# would log the following table
ā”‚ (index) ā”‚   identifierCss   ā”‚ identifierHtml ā”‚  selector   ā”‚ used  ā”‚
ā”‚    0    ā”‚ 'STDIN-SELECTORS' ā”‚    'STDIN'     ā”‚   '.box'    ā”‚ true  ā”‚
ā”‚    1    ā”‚ 'STDIN-SELECTORS' ā”‚    'STDIN'     ā”‚ '.box span' ā”‚ true  ā”‚
ā”‚    2    ā”‚ 'STDIN-SELECTORS' ā”‚    'STDIN'     ā”‚    'img'    ā”‚ false ā”‚

Multiple options:

selector-exists \
--html "<div class="box"><span></span></div>" \
--html-paths "./demos/**/*.html" \
--html-url "http://example.com" \
--css "div { background: cyan; } section { color: red }" \
--css-files "./demos/**/*.css" \
--css-url "http://example.com/style.css" \
--selectors ".box, .box span, img" \
--json \

Code Usage

import {ReaderStdin, ReaderFilesystem, ReaderUrl, SelectorExists} from 'selector-exists';

// create instance
const instance = new SelectorExists();

// add CSS sources
instance.addCssSource(new ReaderStdin('div { background: cyan; } section { color: red }'));
instance.addCssSource(new ReaderFilesystem('./demos/**/*.css'));
instance.addCssSource(new ReaderUrl('http://example.com/style.css'));

// add HTML sources
instance.addHtmlSource(new ReaderStdin('<div class="box"><span></span></div>'));
instance.addHtmlSource(new ReaderFilesystem('./demos/**/*.html'));
instance.addHtmlSource(new ReaderUrl('http://example.com'));

    .then(() => {
        // logs into the console
          json: true,
          used: false,
          unused: true,
        // in code, better use
        // returns an array of usages matching the following interface
        // interface IUsage {
        //   identifierCss: string;
        //   identifierHtml: string;
        //   selector: string;
        //   used: boolean;
        // }

Run tests

npm run test


šŸ‘¤ Mahmoud Aldaas [@ma7moudat](https://github.com/ma7moudat)

šŸ¤ Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check issues page.

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šŸ“ License

This project is MIT License licensed.