1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

self-doc v1.0.0

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Last release
8 years ago

Self Doc

This is a self documenting library build for documenting and testing Node applications, based on golang's godoc. I was inspired to start this project after not being unimpressed by other documentation tools such as jsdoc. This library is meant to run in a Node 5+ environment.


npm install -g self-doc


Generate documentation for given files to docs directory self-doc doc -o docs <input>

Generate tests for given files to tests directory self-doc test -o tests <input>

Expected Behavior

For a more detailed description of expect outputs reference specs directory This example is for a public function.


// ====
// @name Validate Name
// validateName(string) => boolean
// Validates the name of a person.
// @run
//  const name = "Connor McCutcheon"
//  assert(validateName(name), true)
//  assert(validateName("0$!@#"), false)
export function validateName(input) {
  return /^[a-zA-Z ]+$/.test(input)

const name = "Connor McCutcheon" assert(validateName(name) === true) assert(validateName("0$!@#") === false)

describe("#validateName", () => { it("should run basic use case", () => { const name = "Connor McCutcheon" assert(validateName(name) === true) assert(validateName("0$!@#") === false) }) })

### Contributing
If you would like to contribute to this project all help is welcome please just fork this and make a pull request. Please follow this the git naming convension below and use eslint (config file provided) for code styling. If you run into an issue report in this repositories issues and I will respond as soon as posible.

**Git branch naming**
 + Feature branch: `feature/<name>`
 + Hotfix branch: `hotfix/<name>`
 + Refactoring/Cleaning: `refactoring/<name>`