1.1.54 • Published 2 years ago

selfguard-node v1.1.54

Weekly downloads
Last release
2 years ago


npm install selfguard-client


Import SelfGuard-Client

import SelfGuard from 'selfguard-client';

// or

let SelfGuard = require('selfguard-client');


let sg = new SelfGuard(API_KEY);

// or

let sg = new SelfGuard(API_KEY, PUBLIC_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY);
//This will leverage asymmetric encryption for all stored encryption keys.
//When encryption keys are sent to SelfGuard they are encrypted using the PUBLIC_KEY.
//When encryption keys are recieved from SelfGuard they are decrypted using the PRIVATE_KEY.

// or

let sg = new SelfGuard(API_KEY, 'metamask');
//This will leverage the user's metamask wallet to asymmetrically encrypt data.

Key Pair

Generate Public Private Key Pair

Allows you to create an RSA or ECSDA key pair.

let key_pair = sg.createKeyPair('rsa' || 'ecdsa');
  public_key: '-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n....',
  private_key: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...'

Upload Key Pair

Allows you to save this key pair with SelfGuard, encrypted with a password

await sg.uploadKeyPair(key_pair,'password');

Get Key Pairs

Allows you to retrieve all encrypted key pairs stored with this account

await sg.getKeyPairs();



Allows you to encrypt any piece of data and receive the respective encryption key id (the encryption key is stored with SelfGuard) and the encrypted text.

let {encrypted_text, encryption_key_id} = await sg.encrypt( 'This is some super top secret text!')

// {encrypted_text: '5ac4asffda...... ', encryption_key_id:'e791a8a...'}


Allows you to decrypt previously encrypted data by providing the encrypted text and the encryption key id respective to the encrypted data.

let decryptedText = await sg.decrypt(encrypted_text, encryption_key_id)

// 'This is some super top secret text!'

Encrypt With Password

Allows you to encrypt any piece of data with a password.

let ciphertext = sg.encryptWithPassword( 'This is some super top secret text!','password')

Decrypt With Password:

Allows you to decrypt encrypted data with the respective password.

let decryptedText = sg.decryptWithPassword(ciphertext, 'password')

// 'This is some super top secret text!'

File Storage

Used for storing encrypted files onto decentralized storage protocols like IPFS.

Upload/Encrypt File

await sg.encryptFile(file,(err,progress) => {

Decrypt File

await sg.decryptFile(id,(err,progress) => {

Get List of Files

await sg.getFiles();

Data Tokenization


Allows you to encrypt data and store the encrypted data with SelfGuard itself.

let token_id = await sg.tokenize( 'This is some super top secret text!')
// tok_14A...


Allows you to retrieve the previously tokenized data by providing the respective token id.

let data = await sg.detokenize(token_id)
// 'This is some super top secret text!'

Encrypted Key/Value Storage


Allows you to store any key value data where the value is encrypted.

let success = await sg.put('key','value');


Allows you to retrieve key value data where the value is decrypted upon retrieval

let value = await sg.get('key');

// 'value'

Get Keys

Allows you to get all the keys (amongst all the key-value objects) stored with this account

await sg.getKeys();

Encrypted Array Storage

Used as an encrypted database to store key -> multiple values. Value data is fully encrypted by an encryption key set up at the initiation of the array. Value data can only be decrypted by users who have been assigned access to the encryption key via asymmetric encryption.

Create Array

await sg.initArray('key');

Add To Array

await sg.addToArray('key','value');
await sg.addToArray('key','value2');

Add User To Array

await sg.addUserToArray('key','0xabc...');

Get Array

let data = await sg.getArray('key');
// ['value','value2']

Get Array Names

let keys = await sg.getArrayNames();
	name: 'key',
	length: 2,
	created_at: '2022-09-07T19:58:35.616997+00:00'


Used to send texts or emails to addresses who's email and phone number are stored using the encrypted key/value storage.

React Component For Notifications

Add Package

npm install selfguard-react-components

Implement Component

import { Notifications } from  'selfguard-react-components';
return (
	<Notifications  userAddress={account}  api_key={process.env.REACT_APP_SELFGUARD_API_KEY}  />

Update Profile

await sg.updateProfile('0xadfb..',{email:'test@gmail.com',phone:'+12121112345'});

Send SMS

await sg.sendSMS({address:'0xadfb..',text:'Example Text'});

Send Email

await sg.sendEmail({address:'0xadfb..',from:'example@test.com',fromName:'test',replyTo:'reply@test.com', reployToName:'test',subject:'Test Subject', html:'This is the content of the email'});