1.1.0 • Published 10 years ago
selfish v1.1.0
Class-free, pure prototypal multiple inheritance that lets you write expressive, well-structured code.
npm install selfish
bower install selfish
var Base = require('!raw.github.com/Gozala/selfish/v1.0.0/selfish').Base
client-side RequireJS
define(['path/to/selfish'], function(selfish) {
var Base = selfish.Base;
// Instead of creating classes, you create prototype objects. Let's look
// at this simple example first:
var Dog = Base.extend({
bark: function() {
return 'Ruff! Ruff!'
// Forget about classes, javascript is a prototypal language:
typeof Dog // object
// Use the new operator to create an instance:
var dog = new Dog()
dog.bark() // 'Ruff! Ruff!'
// Alternatively you can use the legacy new() function but keep in mind that
// the new operator is faster in most browsers
var dog = Dog.new()
dog.bark() // 'Ruff! Ruff!'
// Forget about special `instanceof` operator, use JS native method instead:
Dog.prototype.isPrototypeOf(dog) // true
// Objects inherit from objects, what could be more object oriented than
// that ?
var Pet = Dog.extend({
initialize: function(breed, name) {
this.breed = breed
this.name = name
call: function(name) {
return this.name === name ? this.bark() : ''
toString: function() {
return this.breed + ' ' + this.name
// All arguments passed to the constructor are forwarded to the `initialize`
// method of instance.
var pet = new Pet('Labrador', 'Benzy')
pet.toString() // 'Labrador Benzy'
pet.call('doggy') // ''
pet.call('Benzy') // 'Ruff! Ruff!'
Object composition
// In some programs recombining reusable pieces of code is a better option:
var HEX = Base.extend({
hex: function hex() {
return '#' + this.color
var RGB = Base.extend({
red: function red() {
return parseInt(this.color.substr(0, 2), 16)
green: function green() {
return parseInt(this.color.substr(2, 2), 16)
blue: function blue() {
return parseInt(this.color.substr(4, 2), 16)
var CMYK = Base.extend(RGB.prototype, {
black: function black() {
var color = Math.max(Math.max(this.red(), this.green()), this.blue())
return (1 - color / 255).toFixed(4)
magenta: function magenta() {
var K = this.black();
return (((1 - this.green() / 255).toFixed(4) - K) / (1 - K)).toFixed(4)
yellow: function yellow() {
var K = this.black();
return (((1 - this.blue() / 255).toFixed(4) - K) / (1 - K)).toFixed(4)
cyan: function cyan() {
var K = this.black();
return (((1 - this.red() / 255).toFixed(4) - K) / (1 - K)).toFixed(4)
// Composing `Color` prototype out of reusable components:
var Color = Base.extend(HEX.prototype, RGB.prototype, CMYK.prototype, {
initialize: function initialize(color) {
this.color = color
var pink = Color.new('FFC0CB')
// RGB
pink.red() // 255
pink.green() // 192
pink.blue() // 203
pink.magenta() // 0.2471
pink.yellow() // 0.2039
pink.cyan() // 0.0000
Combining composition & inheritance
var Pixel = Color.extend({
initialize: function initialize(x, y, color) {
Color.initialize.call(this, color)
this.x = x
this.y = y
toString: function toString() {
return this.x + ':' + this.y + '@' + this.hex()
var pixel = new Pixel(11, 23, 'CC3399')
pixel.toString() // 11:23@#CC3399
Pixel.prototype.isPrototypeOf(pixel) // true
// Pixel instances inhertis from `Color`
Color.prototype.isPrototypeOf(pixel) // true
// In fact `Pixel.prototype` itself inherits from `Color.prototype`, remember just simple and
// pure prototypal inheritance where objects inherit from objects.
Color.prototype.isPrototypeOf(Pixel.prototype) // true
This is a list of things I may introduce in newer versions.
- Add
badge - Add examples about private variables (closures)
- Add guidelines on how to use the lib for common cases
- Add
test - Better merge? in-depth merge (like lodash). Two different
methods ? - Do a full prototype chaining ?
var Extra = Base.extend(Foo, Bar, {toto: true});
var instance = new Extra();
Base.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance); // true :D
Extra.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance); // true :D
Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance); // false :(
Bar.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance); // false :(
- Clone inner objects:
var someBase = {
outer: {
inner: 1
var Extra = Base.extend(Foo, Bar, someBase);
var e = new Extra();
e.outer.inner = 3;
someBase.outer.inner === 1; // should be true