1.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

semaphore-api v1.0.1

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Last release
9 years ago

A Hubot-compatible Semaphore API wrapper for Node.js


npm install semaphore-api


Use it in your Hubot scripts:

module.exports = (robot)->
  semaphore = require('semaphore-api')(robot)

Or use it on its own:

semaphore = require('semaphore-api')

You can pass additional options to the constructor if needed.


Make any call to the Semaphore API, get the parsed JSON response:

semaphore.get "projects", (projects)->
  console.log projects[0].name

semaphore.get "projects/:hash_id/branches", (branches)->
  console.log branches[0].name

# Initate a deploy
semaphore.post "project/:hash_id/:branch_id/builds/:build_number/deploy/:server_id", (response)->
  console.log response


Simply set HUBOT_SEMAPHORE_AUTH_TOKEN env variable:



Used with Hubot, errors are automatically sent to Hubot logger. If you would like to catch errors as well, define your own callback:

semaphore.handleErrors (response)->
  console.log "Oh no! #{response.statusCode}!"

The callback takes a response argument with the following keys:

  • error -- the error message
  • statusCode -- the status code of the API response, if present.
  • body -- the body of the API response, if present.


Passing options

Options may be passed in three ways, in increasing order of precedence:

  1. Through shell env variables
  2. Through the constructor:

    semaphore = require('semaphore-api')(robot, authToken: 'xxx')
  3. Using withOptions, which lets you pass options to only some requests:

    semaphore = require('semaphore-api')(robot)
    other_provider = semaphore.withOptions(authToken: 'xxxx')
    semaphore.get "projects", -> # ...
    other_provider.get "projects", -> # ...

Available options

  • authToken / HUBOT_SEMAPHORE_AUTH_TOKEN -- semaphore API token. Required.
  • apiRoot / HUBOT_SEMAPHORE_API -- base API url. Default to https://semaphoreci.com/api/v1.
  • concurrentRequests / HUBOT_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS -- limits the allowed number of concurrent requests to the semaphore API. Default to 20.
  • errorHandler -- function for custom error handling logic.

Built-in methods

Because life is too short.


# get all projects
semaphore.projects (projects)->
  console.log projects[0].name


# get all branches of given project
semaphore.branches ':project_id', (branches)->
  console.log branches[0].name

# get branch status of given branch
semaphore.branches(':project_id').status ':branch_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# get branch history of given branch (page 1)
semaphore.branches(':project_id').history ':branch_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# get branch history of given branch (page 2)
semaphore.branches(':project_id').history ':branch_id', { page: 2 }, (response)->
  console.log response


# get build info of given project and branch
semaphore.builds(':project_id').info ':branch_id', ':build_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# get build log of given project and branch
semaphore.builds(':project_id').log ':branch_id', ':build_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# rebuild given build
semaphore.builds(':project_id').rebuild ':branch_id', ':build_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# launch given build
semaphore.builds(':project_id').launch ':branch_id', ':build_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# stop given build
semaphore.builds(':project_id').stop ':branch_id', ':build_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# deploy given build on given server
semaphore.builds(':project_id').deploy ':branch_id', ':build_id', ':server_id', (response)->
  console.log response


# get all servers of given project
semaphore.servers ':project_id', (servers)->
  console.log servers[0].name

# get status of given server
semaphore.servers(':project_id').status ':server_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# get history of given server (apge 1)
semaphore.servers(':project_id').history ':server_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# get history of given server (apge 2)
semaphore.servers(':project_id').history ':server_id', { page: 2 }, (response)->
  console.log response


# get info of given deploy
semaphore.deploys(':project_id', ':server_id').info ':deploy_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# get log of given deploy
semaphore.deploys(':project_id', ':server_id').log ':deploy_id', (response)->
  console.log response

# stop deploying given deploy on given server
semaphore.deploys(':project_id', ':server_id').stop ':deploy_id', (response)->
  console.log response


Install the dependencies:

npm install

Run the tests:

make test

I'm vastly more likely to merge code that comes with tests. If you're confused by the testing process, ask and I can probably point you in the right direction.


Thanks to the author of Githubot for his amazing work that could get me started.