0.0.3 • Published 2 months ago

semplice.js v0.0.3

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2 months ago

Semplice.js 👌

v0.0.2 0xZurvan npm GitHub

Simplify contract integration with our Web3 library, powered by ethers.js. Seamlessly connect and integrate your contracts with unparalleled ease, elevating your Web3 experience without the unnecessary complexity.

  • Ease of Use: Execute your contract methods in just three simple steps.
  • TypeScript Support: Enjoy full compatibility with TypeScript for enhanced development workflows.
  • Types Availability: Access all ethers.js and semplice.js types effortlessly.
  • Reusability and Code Reduction: Embrace reusability and code reduction for cleaner, more maintainable code.
  • Framework and Library Friendly: Integrate seamlessly with you choice of frameworks and libraries.
  • CJS and MJS Support: Fully supports both CommonJS (CJS) and ECMAScript Modules (MJS), providing flexibility for a wide range of project setups.

Get started

// Install
npm install semplice.js


1. Define your provider

import { defineProvider } from 'semplice.js/runner'

const provider = defineProvider()

2. Define your config objects

NOTE: You can add your contract configuration object directly in your components or in a separate file.

// sempliceConfig.ts
import { defineConfig, Config } from 'semplice.js'
import { defineProvider } from 'semplice.js/runner'
import ABI from './abi-example/ABI.json';

const provider = defineProvider()
export const contractAConfig: Config = defineConfig({
  abi: ABI.abi,
  // Contract address
  address: '0x167BF45892ad66FD9c13e113239DDE96C9619259',
  provider: provider

export const contractBConfig: Config = defineConfig({
  abi: ABI.abi,
  address: '0x167BF45892ad66FD9c13e113239DDE96C9619259',
  provider: provider

3. Use your contract methods

// Add your configs
import { contractAConfig, contractBConfig } from 'sempliceConfig.ts'
// Add useContract to extract the methods 
import { useContract } from 'semplice.js'

// Pass your configs to useContract and destructure your methods
const { methodA, methodB } = useContract(contractAConfig)
const { methodC } = useContract(contractBConfig)

// Call your function in JSX, Vue template, etc
const callMethodA = async (amount: number) => {
  await methodA(amount)

const callMethodB = async (amount: number) => {
  await methodB(amount)

const callMethodC = async (address: string) => {
  await methodC(address)

Options object and setValue for payable functions

Options Interface definition:

export interface Options {
  gasLimit?: string | number
  maxGasLimit?: string | number
  nonce?: number | undefined
  value?: bigint

Options usage:

// Add your configs
import { contractAConfig, contractBConfig } from 'sempliceConfig.ts'
// Add useContract to extract the methods and Options
import { useContract, Options } from 'semplice.js'

// Pass your configs to useContract and destructure your methods
const { methodA, methodB } = useContract(contractAConfig)
const { methodC } = useContract(contractBConfig)

// Call your function in JSX, Vue template, etc
const callMethodA = async (amount: number) => {
  await methodA(amount)

const callMethodB = async (amount: number) => {
  await methodB(amount)

const callMethodC = async (address: string) => {
  const options: Options = {
    gasLimit: '500000'

  await methodC(address, options)

setValue unit type definition and arguments:

export type Unit = 'wei' | 'kwei' | 'mwei' | 'gwei' | 'szabo' | 'finney' | 'ether';

setValue(value: string | number, unit: Unit)

setValue usage:

// Add your configs
import { contractAConfig, contractBConfig } from 'sempliceConfig.ts'
// Add useContract to extract the methods Options, and setValue
import { useContract, Options, setValue } from 'semplice.js'

// Pass your configs to useContract and destructure your methods
const { methodA, methodB } = useContract(contractAConfig)
const { methodC } = useContract(contractBConfig)

// Call your function in JSX, Vue template, etc
const callMethodA = async (amount: number) => {
  await methodA(amount)

const callMethodB = async (amount: number) => {
  await methodB(amount)

const callMethodC = async (address: string) => {
  const options: Options = {
    gasLimit: '500000' // 500000
    value: setValue(0.001, 'finney') // setValue('0.001', 'finney')

  await methodC(address, options)


Vue example:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useContract, defineConfig, Options, setValue } from 'semplice.js';
import { connectWallet } from 'semplice.js/address';
import { defineProvider } from 'semplice.js/runner';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import ABI from './abi-example/ABI.json';

const address = ref<string>()
const provider = defineProvider()

const config = defineConfig({
  abi: ABI.abi,
  // Contract address
  address: '0x167BF45892ad66FD9c13e113239DDE96C9619259',
  provider: provider

const { buy, balanceOf } = useContract(config)

const connect = async () => {
  const data = await connectWallet()
    address.value = data.address


const getBalance = async () => {
  const balance = await balanceOf(address.value)
  console.log('balance', balance)

const mint = async () => {
  const options: Options = {
    gasLimit: '500000'
    value: setValue('0.5', 'ether')

  await buy(1, options)


    <h1>Vue Example</h1>
    <button @click="connect">Connect Wallet</button>
    <button @click="getBalance">Get balance</button>
    <button @click="mint">Mint</button>

    <p>{{ address }}</p>

React example:

import { useContract, defineConfig, Options, setValue } from 'semplice.js';
import { connectWallet } from 'semplice.js/address';
import { defineProvider } from 'semplice.js/runner';
import { useState } from 'react';
import ABI from './abi-example/ABI.json';

export default function Example() {
  const [address, setAddress] = useState('')
  const provider = defineProvider() 

  const config = defineConfig({
    abi: ABI.abi,
    // Contract address
    address: '0x167BF45892ad66FD9c13e113239DDE96C9619259',
    provider: provider

  const { buy, balanceOf } = useContract(config)

  const connect = async () => {
    const data = await connectWallet()

  const getBalance = async () => {
    const balance = await balanceOf(address)
    console.log('balance', balance)
  const mint = async () => {
    const options: Options = {
      gasLimit: 500000
      value: setValue('1000', 'kwei')

    await buy(1, options)

  return (
      <h1>React Example</h1>
      <button onClick={connect}>Connect Wallet</button>
      <button onClick={getBalance}>Get balance</button>
      <button onClick={mint}>Mint</button>