1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

semserver v1.0.0

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Last release
7 years ago

Register a service version

> POST /my-service/1.0.0
> endpoint=http://my-service-adsfghjk.now.sh

and you can query it:

> GET /my-service/^1.0.0/thing/1

< HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
< Location: http://my-service-adsfghjk.now.sh/thing/1

Register another version

> POST /my-service/1.1.0
> endpoint=http://my-service-zxcvbnm.now.sh

and you get the latest that satisfies the range:

> GET /my-service/^1.0.0/thing/1

< HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
< Location: http://my-service-zxcvbnm.now.sh/thing/1



Run npm start. The server listens on port 7888 by default.


Semserver runs as-is on now.sh. Run now in the folder to deploy it.


If you want to prevent unauthorized users from registering services, start Semserver with an APIKEY environment variable, e.g. APIKEY=abcdef npm start, or deploy it with now -e APIKEY=abcdef. If the variable is set, requests to register a service will return a 401 Unauthorized unless you send an Authorization: Token [apikey] header.


POST /:service/:version

URL parameterDescription
serviceThe name of the service you're registering
versionThe version of the service you're registering. Must be a valid Semver version.
Post parameterDescription
endpointThe HTTP endpoint for this version of the service

Registers a version of a service. Once registered, the version is immutable and will always point to this endpoint. Trying to register the same version again will return a 409 Conflict.

Status codeDescription
400The version is not a valid semver string
409The version already exists for this service

OPTIONS /:service

Returns an object listing the registered versions of the service and their endpoints.

* /:service/:versionOrRange/:path

URL parameterDescription
serviceThe name of the service you're requesting
versionThe version of the service you're requesting. Must be a valid Semver version or version range.
pathThe path you're requesting of the service

Resolves a service version and issues a redirect to its endpoint.

If you provide an exact version (e.g. 1.2.3), you'll get a 308 Permanent Redirect. Service versions are immutable, so you can guarantee this version will always have this endpoint.

If instead you provide a semver range (e.g. 1.x.x, ^1.0.0), you'll get a 307 Temporary Redirect. Semserver resolves the highest version of the service that matches your version range and redirects to its endpoint.

Status codeDescription
307Temporary redirect to the highest service version that matches the version range
308Permanent redirect to the exact version requested
400The version is not a valid semver range string
404The service doesn't exist in the registry at all
501The service has no versions that match the range or exact version you wanted

Command line

So you can automatically register a service to a registry (e.g. on deploy), we provide a command line script. It's intended to be used as an npm script, and it takes your service name and version from package.json, as well as the registry host, which you should put in package.json as "semserver": {"host": "semserver.example.com"}. Finally, pass the endpoint you're registering as the single command line argument.

For example, if you're deploying to now.sh, you can use the now-build lifecycle script to register your service. Now provides the NOW_URL environment variable, so your package.json should look like:

	"name": "my-service",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"scripts": {
		"now-start": "...",
		"now-build": "semserver $NOW_URL"
	"dependencies": {
		"semserver": "^1.0.0"
	"semserver": {
		"host": "semserver.example.com"

If your semserver has an API key configured, use the environment variable SEMSERVER_KEY to tell the CLI about it.

Client library

We also provide a client library, which is a thin wrapper around got.


const semserver = require('semserver');
const registry = semserver('https://semserver.example.com');
const service = registry('my-service', '^1.0.0');



ISC. © Matt Brennan