1.0.4 • Published 4 years ago

send-notifications v1.0.4

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4 years ago


Send email and push notifications This package uses nodemailer and mailgun to send email and firebase for push notification. All you have to do is pass the required parameters

To send email example

const {sendEmail} = require('send-notifications')

sendEmail(html,mailGunApiKey, mailGunDomain, to, from, subject, attachments)

This will return a promise


html: html template for your email

mailGunApiKey: you will get this from your mailgun account

mailGunDomain: you will get this from you mailgun account

to: email you are sending yo

from: email to display to receiver

subject: email subject

attachment: if you don't have attachement, use an empty array, if you have attachment, use like this below

attachments = { filename: filename, contentType: pdf or any other content type, path: path of the file to upload }

Sending push notification example

const {initializePush, sendPushnotification} = require('send-notifications')

first you have to call the initializePush which will take the following parameters

initializePush(serviceAccount, databaseURL)

serviceAccount can be downloaded from firebase when you create a project. An example of linking the service account is below

const serviceAccount = require("./notification-34434-firebase-adminsdk-g8kgu-4f1f3448b8.json")

databaseUrl can also be gotten from firebase also.

After initialization, then call the sendPushnotification with the following parameters
sendPushnotification: (firebaseToken, payload, options)

firebaseToken is the token generated from the device you want to send the push notification to. Check firebase documentation on sending push notificqtion

payload sample

const payload = { notification: { title, body } };

options sample

const options = { priority: 'high', timeToLive: 60 60 24, // 1 day };

check firebase push notification for more options

Happy coding!