1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

sengi-dynamodb v1.0.0

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4 years ago


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A wrapper for AWS DynamoDB that implements the Sengi document store interface.


npm install sengi-dynamodb


For authentication, you should either set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY keys or login using the aws configure command with the AWS Command Line tool. For testing/CI/CD against the emulator the env vars can be dummy values.

To instantiate a DynamoDbDocStore you have to provide the following parameters:

  • dynamoUrl - A url that identifies your DynamoDB instance. To use the production DynamoDB on AWS specify http://dynamo/production.

  • region - The region of DynamoDB to send requests to.

  • config - A configuration object

    • getTableName - A function getTableName (docTypeName, docTypePluralName, options) that returns the name of the table to edit. This is a good opportunity to add a prefix that describes the project and environment, e.g. rather than 'shows', we could use 'sengi.testing.shows'.
const { createDynamocDbDocStore } = require('sengi-dynamodb')

const dynamoDbDocStore = createDynamoDbDocStore({
  dynamoUrl: 'http://localhost:8000', // or for production: http://dynamo/production
  region: 'us-east-1',
  config: {
    getTableName: (databaseName, docTypeName, docTypePluralName, options) => `sengi.testing.${docTypeName}`

dynamoDbDocStore.upsert('test', 'tests', {
  id: '0001',
  docType: 'test',
  docOps: [],
  hello: 'world'


A filter expression is based on a secondary index.

const filterExpression = {
  indexName: 'mySecondaryIndex',
  condition: 'docType = :docType and heightInCms > :heightInCms', // must supply both of these parts
  conditionParams: {
    ':docType': 'tree',
    ':heightInCms': 100


This provider requires the key schema of each table to be based on the string field named id.

  "TableName": "myTable",
  "KeySchema": [{ "AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH" }]

DynamoDB can create secondary indexes but these are not quite analogous to secondary indexes on Mongo, Cosmos or RDBMS systems. In DynamoDB a secondary index is essentially a copy of the original table with (a) a subset of the columns, and (b) a different singular sort key. This presents a few limitations for Sengi:

  • You can only order on a single sort key. A secondary sort will need to be done in memory by the client.
  • You must filter based on the hash key before the sort key is applied. If there is no sensible hash key to use, perhaps because you want to filter across the whole dataset, then you can use the docType field as a hash value. In this scenario you'll only have 1 partition so it's important not to project too many fields into it.


DynamoDB does not support the concept of an arbitrary numerical offset, so the offset parameter in queries will be ignored.

If you request a field that has not been projected into a secondary index, Sengi will not know. You will simply not receive that field.


To setup a local copy of DynamoDB for testing you'll need to install the docker image and setup the initial tables.

# install db
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local:1.13.4

# add tables
npm run setup

The tests will find this database as long as its running on port 8000.


Code base adheres to the rules chosen by https://standardjs.com/. Code is formatted with 2 spaces.

Tests are written using Jest with 100% coverage.

npm test

Note that the tests run sequentially (jest --runInBand) so that only one test can access the database at a time.

Continuous Deployment

Any pushes or pull-requests on non-master branches will trigger the test runner.

Any pushes to master will cause the library to be re-published.