0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

sequelts v0.1.0

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2 years ago




This is a hack and most likely not compatible with the database you are using.
It is not production ready and misses a lot of features.
Consider it a proof-of-concept and expect significantly slower type-checking.

This hack is based on and inspired by the awesome work of ts-sql and sql-template-strings.


  • I don't like ORMs, they don't let me write SQL
  • I don't like code generation, it doesn't let me write SQL
  • I don't like query builders, they don't let me write SQL
  • SQL is powerful for relational data
  • Because hacking on things is fun

Trying it out

npm i -D sequelts

Full sample using SQLite (with better-sqlite3):

import Database from "better-sqlite3";
import { createQueryAllFunction, createQueryIteratorFunction, createQuerySingleFunction } from "sequelts";

const databaseSchema = `
    id INT,
    name TEXT
    id INT,
    user INT,
    title TEXT

const db = new Database(":memory:");
        (1, 'user-a'),
        (2, 'user-b'),
        (3, 'user-c')
        (1, 1, 'video-1-user-a'),
        (1, 2, 'video-2-user-a'),
        (1, 3, 'video-3-user-a'),
        (2, 1, 'video-1-user-b');

const getSingle = createQuerySingleFunction((q, ...p) => db.prepare(q).get(...p), databaseSchema);
const getCursor = createQueryIteratorFunction((q, ...p) => db.prepare(q).iterate(...p), databaseSchema);

const user = getSingle("SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = ?", 1);

for(const u of getCursor("SELECT u.id, u.name AS userName, v.title AS videoTitle FROM user AS u INNER JOIN video AS v ON u.id = v.user")) {

If you have your schema as a constant string literal in your code:


If you want to define should schema in terms of TypeScript types:


What doesn't work (yet?)

  • We only support the bare minimum of CREATE TABLE for schema creation and SELECT for data retrieval. Things like INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE are not supported, because they (mostly) don't return data
  • No support for lower- or mixed-cased keywords
  • No SELECT *
  • No SQL functions, operators and aggregators: SELECT AVG(foo) FROM b or SELECT bar + baz FROM b don't work
  • No arbitrary whitespace. The parser is written in a way that SELECT\na or SELECT a (with two spaces) won't get recognized
  • No FROM <subquery> support, only tables
  • Basically everything that's not part of a join spec is not parsed. Generating the parser from a formal SQL syntax could help
  • A lot of stuff I did not stumble over yet
  • Parsing and applying nullability like NOT NULL

This project is open for contributions, maybe you are the one fixing this? Also, how about GraphQL? :)


Sequelts requires the queries to be a literal type to parse it at compile-time.

So, what to do?

Other languages solve this with some kind of Type Providers, which are a mix of code generation (as part of the language compiler) and some basic abstraction. They were proposed for TypeScript, but they don't align with the goals of TypeScript.

If you want something that's not a hack, try ome of these:

There are advantages of using one of the above: Some of them come with automatic schema migration, if you need that.


This library parses the SQL statements at compile-time and derives JS types that the SQL driver returns. Sequelts' exported functions just return the functions passed into them. The only reason they exist is that they are used to apply types to the input function.

The user only has to make sure that the SQL library used returns an object corresponding to the SELECTed columns (or a Promise of that object/array of objects).

TypeScript's type aliases can be seen from a different angle: Due to numerous additions to the TS type system over time, a type alias is just a function. For example, this alias:

type Foo = 1;
// Is equivalent to this JavaScript function:
const Foo = () => 1;

A function is "called" as soon as the type alias is used. Generic type parameters are the parameters of a function:

type Foo<T> = T;
// equivalent to:
const Foo = (T) => T;

Taking this further, generic type constraints are the types of the arguments of this function. From there, you can access properties of these types using the indexing syntax ["property"]:

type GetLength<T extends Array<unknown>> = T["length"];
// equivalent to:
const GetLength = (T: Array<unknown>) => T.length;

type L0 = GetLength<[1, 2, 3, 4]>; // 4

const L1 = GetLength([1, 2, 3, 4]); // 4

The difference is that the type alias is computed at compile time while the JS code does it at runtime. The value computed by the type alias cannot be used at runtime. However, it's possible to combine both and provide the rest of the code with more fine-grained types (well, this is what TypeScript is all about).

The final piece of the programming language puzzle is conditional branching. TypeScript somehow had this some time now, using mapped types. In TS 2.8, conditional types were introduced, which made branching even simpler. Not only that, but the conditional types together with the infer form a pattern matching mechanism which even supports capturing variables.


Types are functions and also types TODO explain?

Conclusion: TypeScript's type system is a small, functional programming language.