1.0.4 • Published 8 years ago

serializable-form v1.0.4

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8 years ago



$ npm install serializable-form --save


  • Writing form validation on the client side and the server-side is a pain.
  • Creating bespoke form validation over and over is tedious and prone to mistake.
  • Many validation libraries do too much.


creating a form

const form = require('serializable-form')

const userCreateForm = form({
  helpers: {
    async usernameTaken (username) {
      const response = await fetch(`/taken?username=${username}`)
      const { taken } = await response.json()
      return taken
  fields: {
    username: [
      form.validator(value => value.length >= 5, 'too short'),
      form.validator(value => value.length <= 64, 'too long'),
      form.validator(async (value, helpers) => {
        const taken = await helpers.usernameTaken(value)
        if (taken) throw new Error('already taken')
        return true
    password: [
      form.validator(value => value.length < 12, 'too short'),
      form.validator(value => value.match(/[a-zA-Z]/g) !== null, 'must contain a letter'),
      form.validator(value => value.match(/[0-9]/g) !== null, 'must contain a number'),
      form.validator(value => value.match(/[A-Z]/g) !== null, 'must contain a capital letter')

serializing a form

await userCreateForm()
// {
//   valid: null,
//   fields: {
//     username: { valid: null, errors: [] },
//     password: { valid: null, errors: [] }
//   }
// }

serializing a form entry with invalid data

await userCreateForm({ username: 'test', password: 'abcdef' })
// {
//   valid: false,
//   fields: {
//     username: {
//       value: 'test',
//       valid: false,
//       errors: [
//         'too short',
//         'already taken'
//       ]
//     },
//     password: {
//       value: 'abcdef',
//       valid: false,
//       errors: [
//         'must contain a number',
//         'must contain a capital letter'
//       ]
//     }
//   }
// }

serializing a form entry with valid data

await userCreateForm({ username: 'zuren', password: 'Password1234' })
// {
//   valid: true,
//   fields: {
//     username: {
//       value: 'zuren',
//       valid: true,
//       errors: []
//     },
//     password: {
//       value: 'Password1234',
//       valid: true,
//       errors: []
//     }
//   }
// }

validating an individual field

await userCreateForm.validate('username', 'test')
// { valid: false, errors: [ 'too short' ] }

await userCreateForm.validate('username', 'zuren')
// { valid: true, errors: [] }

helpers can be overridden, which allows for easy universal use

Would recommend only overriding server-side to keep server code out of your client bundles.

userCreateForm.helpers.usernameTaken = async username => {
  return User.usernameTaken(username)


form(options) -> entry

Returns a function (lets call it entry) which

entry([options]) -> Object

entry is the return value of form. When calling entry with no arguments, returns an unvalidated schema hash of the form, which can be serialized. When calling entry with a hash of fields and values, returns a validated entry hash.

form.validator(predicate, [errorMessage]) -> validate

Returns a validate function, which will use the passed error message if available, or any errors thrown if not.

validate(value) -> Object

Calls predicate with value. If predicate returns true, it will return a 'valid' hash with no errors. If the predicate returns false, it will return an 'invalid' hash with the errorMessage provided. If the predicate throws an Error, it will use the error.message instead.

  • Valid: { valid: true, errors: [] }
  • Invalid: { valid: false, errors: ['too long'] }

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago